Thursday, August 28, 2008

宇宙:开始,一片空虚混乱 Universe: The Beginning is Chaos

希腊神话中,hesiod 的开天辟地广为一般人所接受。开始一片混乱,是个空虚裂口,然后产生了大地,黑暗的地府,最后才产生了爱神。
The Beginning is Chaos. Chaos exists before anything, before the sky or earth.
But is there a Beginning for the Universe? The argument about whether or not the universe had a beginning, persisted into the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, all the evidence seems to indicate that the universe has not existed forever, and that it had a beginning, about 15 billion years ago. However, it is not yet certain whether the universe will have an end.
Chaos is defined by infinite darkness, eternal disorder. Chaos brings to mind images of complete randomness, of disorder and anarchy. It is a messy room, a mob rushing down a city street and a swarm of bees.
But, is The Beginning Chaos?
No, if you are a typical Chinese. Chinese believes The Beginning is Formless Mass (混沌).
Yes, if you are influenced by the Greek myths.
The most widely accepted account of beginning of things as reported by Hesiod's Theogony, starts with Chaos, a yawning nothingness. According to Hesiod, Chaos was out there first, then Earth, Tartarus - a sunless abyss in the depth of Earth -, and last of all Eros (Love).
We all know that Greek mythology has had extensive influence on the culture, the arts and the literature of Western civilization and remains part of Western heritage and language. Such notion as 'The Beginning is Chaos' from the Greek mythology plays an important part in developing the Western Rational Thinking model. We shall talk about this another time.

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