Tuesday, June 30, 2009

中国书法重笔法 Chinese Calligraphy: The Brushwork

We have noted that the essence of Chinese calligraphy is actually to write the beautiful Chinese character beautifully. It is therefore not surprised that two key elements of Chinese calligraphy have not changed much since Han dynasty. The two keys are: the structure of the Chinese character and the techniques of using the brush.
We have also noted that the Chinese character is the first form of Chinese calligraphy. Therefore, there is a limit that calligraphers can do to change the structure of Chinese characters.
However, the use of brush is unique in the Chinese art. It is not surprising that the brush techniques are so much emphasized.
The brush strokes give Chinese calligraphy rhythm and beauty and they depict the subject's outward and inner qualities. At the same time, they reveal the individuality and style of the calligrapher himself.
Only those who master the secrets of operating a brush and principles of structuring a character can be considered to be outstanding calligraphers.
Zhao Mengfu of the Yuan Dynasty once said, ‘In learning Chinese calligraphy, one must chew on and study the ancient masterpieces and comprehend the operating principles of brushes of ancient calligraphers so as to benefit from them.’ He also said, ‘Chinese calligraphy should focus on operating brushwork as well as character structures. The character structures may change over time but the principles of operating brushes never change.’
Since Zhong Yao and Wang Xizhi, no matter how the structure of Chinese characters changed and new styles of writing were invented, the norms set by Zhong and Wang were not violated in most cases. To create a new style of writing is not an easy task. It requires artistic insights and inspirations. The style of writing is also closely related to operation and disposition of strokes, spacing, rhythm, and etc.
It is no wonder that calligraphers would spend their life time to master the techniques of operating the brush.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

前不见古人 Ahead, I see no ancestors

陈子昂(661–702) 是唐朝诗人。他的老家射洪也就是今日四川的遂宁市。二十四岁就考中进士。
Chen Zi'ang (661–702) was a Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. A native of Shehong County in what is today Suining, Sichuan, he completed the national Jinshi level of the Imperial Examination at age twenty-four.
Chen Zi'ang advocated the poetry styles of the Han and Wei dynasties. His representative works of 38 poems known as Ganyu (stirred by my experiences) explicitly manifest his spirit of renewal.
He felt that poems should reflect reality and he helped lay the groundwork for the development of Tang Poems. With his active interest in politics, much of his work has undertones of social commentary.
However, he is chiefly remembered for his poem ‘Climbing the You Zhou Building’ which is vigorous and straightforward.
Chinese have been noted for their historical-mindedness, and their society is said to have lived under the tutelage of history. In the Chinese mind, history describes how aware we are of being in time that flows as we engage in various activities in the world. Since the ‘flow’ includes its direction, to be aware of being in time means to have a sense of direction.
Such a definite direction gives us the prospect and purpose of living. Confucius (551–479 bc) stood at the river bank and sighed about the ‘river of time’, ‘Oh, how it flows day and night, without ceasing!’ In contrast, to lose this sense of time-direction is to be exiled out of living itself, to feel ‘out of place,’ unspeakably lost and lonesome in the world.
Similarly, Chen Zi’ang also went up the Youzhou tower and gave a long sigh,
Ahead, I see no ancestors;
Behind, I find no followers.
Contemplating the limitless of the universe;
I can't help but weep, feeling sad and lonely.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

不与圣人同忧 Dao Does Not Get into the Same Worries that the Sages Have

We said that the worrying mentality is an on-going thing in the hearts of the Chinese. It is this worrying mentality that results in the Chinese moral value system. Worrying mentality is not about groundless fear or merely imagining things. It is concerned about one’s moral values not cultivated and knowledge not thoroughly discussed.
Heaven, Earth and Humanity form the Chinese view of a three-tier universe. Heaven gives birth to things; Earth nourishes things and provides for their material needs; and Humanity completes or perfects all things by maintaining proper patterning (i.e., through rites and music).
However, Heaven and Earth are neutral and they do not take sides. When there is Yin, there must be Yang. There are good people and bad people. Heaven and Earth treat everything equally. The rain waters both non-poisonous and poisonous grass. All myriad things are equal, and there is no differentiation made between them.
But human being, especially the sages are different. The sages always concern for their country and people. As pointed out by Fan Zhongyan of Song dynasty, the government officials ‘worry before all others have worries, rejoice after all others have rejoiced.’
Since the Heaven and Earth produce the myriad things naturally as they are, they of course do not have the sages’ worrying mentality.
That is why the Yijing says, Dao (ie Heaven and Earth) ‘manifests various benevolent expressions, and hides the various practical applications. It encourages all creations, but does not get into the same worries that the Sages have. Its manifold power and great work are indeed perfections!’
This explains the concern of the Chinese. It is about people, human beings and their life and living.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

忧虑的哲学与务实主义 The Philosophy of Concern and Pragmatism

道家亦倾向于强调生活的实用主义。道家教导是,由于所有的物体都像流水一般,他们的性质不停地由反向转向反向,以致我们不知如何把哪一种信念区分优先次序 。所以,在没有什么是好或坏的一致信念的情况下,我们应该追求自然,就是说自然的行动。道家相信,这种追求自然的务实目标,会导致最有效益的一种生活方式。
We noted that the Chinese philosophy began as a result of an attitude of concern, which led finally to practical wisdom for guiding human destiny. Therefore, the Chinese are decidedly anthropocentric in their motivations for the acquisition, organization and transmission of knowledge.
The central focus of Chinese philosophy throughout the ages has been a practical concern with man and society, how to live an ideal life, and how best to organize society. Confucius (551-479 BC) and his teachings are generally recognised as the genesis and bedrock of much of ancient Chinese philosophical thought.
Confucianism excels in its adaptability to varying circumstances and in its magnetism, which attracts whatever is good and useful. In this way, Confucianism, ever growing with time, has become a treasure house of the age-old experiences of the Chinese people. Hence the chief strength of Confucianism is its flexibility, a remarkable quality that enables it to resist all pressures and to face all adversities. For this reason, though suffering eclipse from time to time, it has always emerged with renewed brilliance.
It is said that a pragmatist always turns towards concreteness and adequacy, towards facts, towards action and towards power. Numerous Confucian sayings are summed up from plenty of observations on experience, that is, they turn towards the concrete and the adequacy, towards facts and actions.
The Daoists also tend to emphasize a pragmatic view of life. Daoism teaches that because all things are, like running water, constantly shifting in value from opposite to opposite we cannot prioritise one belief over another. Therefore, without any consistent idea of what good or bad might really be, we must act to emulate ‘Ziran’ (acting spontaneously). The pragmatic goal of emulating Ziran, Daoists believe, leads to a way of living that gets things achieved in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

在中国,《以为真实,而非事实》压倒真理? In China, 'truthiness' trumps truth?

Anne Donohue has been an award winning journalist for almost thirty years. She was a Fulbright Scholar at Renmin University in Beijing during the spring semester 2008 where she preached the virtues of a free press.
On 12 May 2009, The Christian Science Monitor published her article “In China, 'truthiness' trumps truth”, and I quote some of her views to show how some Westerners can be ignorant,arrogant and, as the Chinese saying goes, like to lecture people. She should know that the Chinese students have every right to disagree with her views and if only she is willing to listen and accept their views.
‘I'll admit it, I was naive. Twenty years after the Chinese government brutally put down a student democracy movement in Tiananmen Square, I thought some vestige of that movement might still be found in China. But after spending six months in Beijing teaching journalism students at Renmin University, where several of the 1989 pro-democracy activists were once students, I found very few young people interested in carrying the torch of Lady Liberty.
The students who transfixed the world 20 years ago are largely forgotten. Their message of democracy, the right to vote, and freedom of the press has been buried by the economic juggernaut of modern China……
Rather than feeling horror about the crackdown, as most Westerners do, they were more troubled by the chaos and social upheaval those 1989 students might have unleashed had they been successful. Stability and economic security reign supreme; other civil liberties might be nice someday far into the future…….
More disconcerting is the lack of critical thinking, and at times, blind faith that China is on a roll, so don't rock the boat. Chinese pride and boosterism veer dangerously close to nationalism. Healthy criticism is seen as unpatriotic.
In a weird role reversal, the young students were the ones reminding me, the older teacher, to be patient. Repeatedly, they told me that China is a developing country, and that economic development might one day lead to some of the reforms I was encouraging. But when I reminded them that many developing countries – India, for example – have democracy and economic development, they were unconvinced.
I left China discouraged. I wanted for my Chinese students what my American students take for granted: a chance to speak freely, to vote, to work in the field of journalism unfettered by the government. But when I asked my students, if in an ideal world, would they want the government to get out of their lives, the unanimous response was no. They liked what the government was telling them…….
As one American diplomat repeatedly reminded me, they don't know what they don't know….’
Note: Truthiness is a term first used in its recent satirical sense by an American television comedian Stephen Colbertin 2005, to describe things that a person claims to know intuitively or ‘from the gut’ without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.