Tuesday, August 12, 2008

李白:笑而不答心自闲 Libai's Poem: Conversation in the Mountains

问余何意栖碧山, 笑而不答心自闲。
桃花流水杳然去, 别有天地非人间。

李白 (701—762年),唐代伟大的诗人。是中国史上最伟大的诗人之一,又称为“诗仙”。他善于从民歌、神话中汲取营养素材,构成其特有的瑰丽绚烂的色彩,是屈原以来积极浪漫主义诗歌的新高峰。


Li Bai (701-762) was a Chinese poet. He is best known for the extravagant imagination and striking Daoist imagery in his poetry, as well as for his great love for liquor. He spent much of his life travelling. He is said to have drowned in the Yangzi River, having fallen from his boat while drunkenly trying to embrace the reflection of the moon.
His ability to create extraordinary out of ordinary was an unusual gift among his contemporaries, and was most likely the reason why he was considered the "Poem-God". The fact that his Chinese nickname was "詩仙" (shīxiān, which translates literally into god of poetry) should itself prove it. The spontaneity of his language combined with the extravagance of his imagination distinguished Li Bai from any other poets in the Chinese history.
The following is the English translation of his poem 'Conversation in the Maintains".
If you were to ask me why I dwell among green mountains
I should laugh silently. My heart is serene.
The peach blossom follows the moving water.
There is another heaven and earth beyond this world of men.

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