Friday, August 29, 2008

二律背反:康德的悖论 Antinomies: Kant's Paradox

Kant, the great philosopher, pointed out that philosophy, or the use of reason, can seem to lead to contradictions. He gave examples of four antinomies:
The first antinomy has as thesis that the world has a beginning in time and is limited in space, and as antithesis that it has no beginning and no limits.
The second proves both the infinite divisibility of space and the contrary.
The third shows the necessity, but also the impossibility of human freedom.
The fourth proves the existence of a necessary being and the lack of existence of such a being.
It can seem that the world must have a beginning or limit in space and time. After all, doesn't everything have a beginning and/or end? But it can also seem that the world must be infinite in space and time. After all, what would be beyond the limit of space, or before time began?
Kant argued that his distinction between noumena and phenomena helps to avoid such paradoxes. The Noumenal reality is purely intelligible and nonsensual, whereas the Phenomenal reality is the world as we experience it.
Space and time are not things in themselves (noumena) nor are they objects we experience (phenomena). They are forms that our experience takes or features of the way in which our minds present the world to us. To talk about the beginning or limit of space or of time is to mistakenly treat space and time as if they were objects of some kind.
Similarly, we can be led to think that there can be free will in the world, but also that there can be no such thing, since all events in the natural world are determined, i.e. caused by prior events. It is indeed a law of nature that all events are determined, Kant said, but this applies only to phenomena. In the realm of noumena it is entirely possible that there is real freedom, and indeed ethics require that we believe in such freedom of the will.

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