Thursday, August 7, 2008

书法与长寿 Calligraphy & Longevity






Chinese calligraphy is not only a beautiful art, its practice is also an effective way to enjoy healthy life and longevity. The Chinese have rated practicing Chinese calligraphy as the number one activity for longevity.

Chinese calligraphy is both an artistic and physical practice. It can elevate one's body, mind, and spirit from internal and external practices. It has been regarded as a good way to strengthen one’s will and leads to a healthy life. Many principles and benefits of practicing Chinese calligraphy are very similar to meditation, Qi Gong, and Chinese martial arts. While one is practicing Chinese calligraphy, one has to calm the mind, body, and focus on writing. The breathing is very smooth and the mind is very peaceful.

In order to write beautifully, we also train and fine-tune our nerves and hand movement with correct body mechanics which benefit our well being. The upright and ergonomically correct postures required during practicing Chinese calligraphy as well as one's enjoyment and focus upon writing beautiful characters can lead one to a higher coordination of mind, body, and spirit and attain longevity without specifically working on it.

Since Chinese calligraphy is a very meditative, disciplined, and relaxing practice, master calligraphers and those who enjoy practicing it have been known to outlive their contemporaries throughout the history of China.

There were two emperors in the Ching Dynasty, Kang Xi ( 康熙 ) and Qian Long ( 乾隆 ), who lived longer than most Chinese emperors. Most emperors of China had shorter lives than ordinary people, mostly due to excessive indulgence. Emperor Chian Long (1711-1799) lived up to 89 and had the longest life among all Chinese emperors.

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