Sunday, August 31, 2008

审美:美感具有普遍性 Aesthetic Judgments Behave Universally

Kant talked about the Universality of aesthetic judgment.
If my judgment that an object is beautiful is independent of any private interest or prejudice of mine, then my judgment is 'free' when I express my view that an object is beautiful. Because no interest peculiar or private to me is influencing my judgment, I have every reason to believe that others, similarly free of their private interest, would arrive at the same conclusion of beautiful. The aesthetic judgment is universal.
This universality is distinguished first from the mere subjectivity of judgments such as 'I like honey' (because that is not at all universal, nor do we expect it to be); and second from the strict objectivity of judgments such as 'honey contains sugar and is sweet'.
Judgment of beauty cannot, despite it's universal validity, be proved: there are no rules by which someone can be compelled to judge that something is beautiful. For in claiming simply that one likes something, one does not claim that everyone else ought to like it too.
The aesthetic judgment does not rest on any concept, but rather upon feeling. Kant therefore concluded that the beautiful is that which, apart from a concept, pleases universally.

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