Saturday, August 9, 2008

审美愉快感是非功利性的 Aesthetic Judgments are Disinterested

Kant said: Aesthetic judgments are disinterested, meaning that we take pleasure in something because we judge it beautiful, rather than judging it beautiful because we find it pleasurable.
Interest is defined as a link to real desire and action, and thus also to a determining connection to the real existence of the object.
Certainly, I may wish to own the beautiful painting, or at least a copy of it, because I derive pleasure from it - but that pleasure, and thus that desire, is distinct from and parasitic upon the aesthetic judgment.
If there's a beautiful painting, or if there's a beautiful melody, you just want to enjoy it, you just want to absorb yourself in it, surrender yourself to it, you don't want to do anything with it, and you don't want to make use of it.
So in the same way, if you see a really beautiful woman, you just appreciated her as a beautiful woman, you wouldn't want to do anything with her, you'd just be quite happy gazing and gazing, appreciating her beauty.
But, needless to say, that's not our usual attitude, we don't usually see aesthetically, we see in terms of sensuous attractiveness hence craving springs up, or we see in terms of sensuous attractiveness because the craving is there, looking round, searching for an object.
Aesthetically speaking, it is the judgment that results in pleasure, rather than pleasure resulting in judgment.

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