Monday, September 29, 2008

审美:必然性的愉快 Aesthetic Judgment: Necessary Delight

康德把这个依据称为‘共通感’- 这是我们对美的感觉,也就是我们审美力的先验才能。换句话说,我们要假设每一个人都有‘共通感’,就是这个‘共通感’使我们可以传达主观的审美。这并不说每个人会同意我的判断,而是每个人理当赞同我的判断。
注:共通感,英语common sense,就是常识。可是康德这里并不是指常识,而是说经验之外的知识。
This is a difficult subject.
There is something about the beautiful that leads to a necessary reference on its part to delight, pleasure. The necessity which combines the judgment of the beautiful with delight is neither a theoretical nor a practical necessity. It is a necessity of a special kind and can only be termed exemplary. My aesthetic judgment, in short, is an example of a universal rule regarding beauty.
If we cannot formulate the principle of beauty in a rational or cognitive form, how is it possible for us to communicate to others the necessary components of the judgment of the beautiful? According to Kant, it depends on what is it that the necessity of the judgment is grounded upon; that is, what does it say about those who judge?
Kant called the ground 'common sense', by which he meant the a priori principle of our taste, that is, of our feeling for the beautiful. In other words, we must assume that there is a common sense in everyone to which we can communicate the subjective judgment of the beautiful. This does not mean that everyone will agree with my judgment, but rather everyone ought to agree with it.
We all know two plus two equals four. We can assume when we communicate this that other must understand this universal truth. So we also can assume that there is a common sense in everyone to which we can communicate the subjective judgment of the beautiful.
For this reason Kant says that ‘The beautiful is that which, apart from a concept, is cognized as an object of necessary delight.’
Note: 'Common Sense' here does not mean general knowledge about everyday things.

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