Friday, July 18, 2008

书法与阴阳学说 Chinese Calligraphy and the Yin-Yang Theory


The concept of Yin and Yang is central to ancient Chinese astrology, traditional Chinese medicine, and ancient Chinese philosophy. Its influence permeates almost everywhere in the oriental culture.
Ancient Chinese believe that the nether world of ghosts and souls exists along with the secular world of human beings. The former is referred to as the yin world, while the latter is referred to as the yang world. From the concept of the two worlds, it is easy to understand why the yin is often associated with evil and darkness and the yang always represents justice and brightness.
The most known Daoist philosopher of China, Laozi, said once regarding unity and inseparability of Yin and Yang:
"When everyone sees beauty as being beautiful, there is already ugliness. When everyone thinks of the good as being good, there is already evil. Being and not being created themselves mutually. The heavy and the light realize themselves mutually. Before and afterwards precede each other mutually”.
The notion of dynamic balance lies at the core of the aesthetics of Chinese calligraphy, holding the key to a genuine appreciation of this art. The dynamic balance and harmony of brushwork can be understood in terms of the relationship between yin and yang, or between their conceptual derivatives of “empty” (xu 虚) and “full’ (shi 实).
For example, the dynamic balance between the brushwork and empty space within or between individual characters in a text can be interpreted as embodying the complementary, harmonious relationship between emptiness and fullness, or, non-being and being. Therefore the black-white (黑白) contrast of the calligraphic line with its dynamic movement is considered to have more aesthetic appeal than colours, which are not only considered static but also carried somewhat of a unrefined (su 俗) connotation.

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