Thursday, July 31, 2008

中国审美:自然与法的协调 Chinese Aesthetics: The Unity of Regularity and Naturalness

Extracted from 'An Intercultural Perspective on Chinese Aesthetics' by
Karl-Heinz Pohl: Traditional Chinese poetics and art theory give weight to two seemingly contradictory notions: to naturalness (ziran) and regularity (fa).
The stunning aesthetic effect of this unity of opposites can best be observed and studied in the so-called “regular poems” (lüshi), flourishing in the golden age of Chinese poetry, the Tang dynasty (6th-10th cent. AD). These poems have to follow a strict set of rules concerning length and number of lines, tone patterns, parallelism and the like. And yet, reading the works of not only the greatest poets of that time, such as Du Fu, Li Bai or Wang Wei, one gets a feeling of absolute naturalness and ease, recalling Goethe’s dictum, that “true mastery only reveals itself in restriction” (In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister).....
The concept of unity of naturalness and regularity – in terms of following the rules of nature – was...... elaborated on by juxtaposing the notion of “living rules” (huo fa) against that of “dead rules” (si fa).....the Chinese traditional aesthetic ideal of a great work of poetry or art: that of a living, organic pattern, not dependent on rules derived from “orthodox” models or periods but following the rules of nature.
Such works come alive, creating their own rules, in each new period with each new poet-artist who is stirred by the world and its affairs. In painting, it was the influential unorthodox monk-painter Shitao (1641-1717) who pinpointed this idea with his famous notion of “no-rule” being the “ultimate rule” (wu fa er fa, nai wei zhi fa).

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

啊!狗肉,北京奥林匹克关你什么啦?.....Dog Meat Off the Menu During Beijing Olympics










谈了这么多,并不是说我喜欢吃狗肉。相反,狗肉当前,可能还真的吃不下。只是说,人向来有吃动物的习惯,吃不吃某种动物的肉,和个人及某个族群的传统,喜好,过去经验,价值观念,宗教信仰,等等有关。硬说吃某种动物的肉是不文明的举动,这本身可能就是一种不可取的沙文主义吧。's Dara Brown reported on 11 Jul 2008 that dog meat has been struck from the menus of officially designated Olympic restaurants, and Beijing tourism officials are telling other outlets to discourage consumers from ordering dishes made from dogs.

Some people say that the ban on sale of dog meat during the Olympics is mainly to please the West as the consumption of dog meat is generally viewed as taboo in Western culture, and in the US, it is considered a social taboo to eat dogs or other animals traditionally considered to be pets or companion animals.

It is believed that dog meat has been a source of food in parts of China from at least the time of Confucius, and possibly even before.

Wikipedia: "In France, dogs were widely eaten during famines. Dog meat has been eaten in every major German crisis at least since the time of Frederick the Great, and is commonly referred to as "blockade mutton". Since 1986 dog meat is prohibited in Germany. Dog sausage and smoked dog jerky remains a staple in the Swiss cantons of St. Gallen and Appenzell, where one farmer was quoted in a regional weekly newspaper as saying that 'meat from dogs is the healthiest of all. It has shorter fibres than cow meat, has no hormones like veal, no antibiotics like pork.'"

However, this is not the first time that the dog meat is banned during Olympics. I found the following in Wikipedia:

"During the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea's capital city, the South Korean government asked its citizens not to consume dog meat to avoid bad publicity during the games. The controversy surfaced again in 2001 during the 2002 FIFA World Cup. The organizer of the games, under pressure from animal rights groups such as PETA, demanded that the Korean government re-address the issue."

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

艺术形似说: 画鬼容易画人难............ It is Easy to Paint Ghosts and Demons because.....

During the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods, the Chinese artists actually saw the world with realist eyes and tried to imitate the external appearance of objects in their works. This had led Han Fei Zi to say that it was easy to paint ghosts and demons, but difficult to paint dogs and horses, since people had never seen ghosts or demons, but saw dogs and horses every day.
However, after the collapse of the Han Dynasty, the idea of shen (神) emerged in the paintings due to the influence of Zhuangzi's philosophy and remarks of Gu Kaizhi (顾恺之). Eventually, this idea was widely accepted by the artists in China.
Shen means "spirit"or "soul", thus the artists are by implication capable of conveying the soul or spirit of the object.

Monday, July 28, 2008

啊!自由:若为自由故,两者皆可抛............ Give me Liberty or Give me Death

生命诚可贵 , 爱情价更高。 若为自由故, 两者皆可抛。
There is no doubt that many people in the West think that it is extremely important to have Freedom/Liberty. Here are some quotations about freedom and liberty:
Sándor Petõfi, a Hungarian poet: Liberty, love! These two I need. For my love I will sacrifice life, for liberty I will sacrifice my love. (The Chinese version says: Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up for freedom.)
Patrick Henry, a US orator, patriot, & politician in American Revolution (1736 - 1799): Give me liberty or give me death.
Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790), one of the founding fathers of the United States of America: Where there is liberty, there is my country.
I think very few people would argue against the importance of freedom. However, there may be some disagreements on the ways and means to achieve freedom and liberty. There are therefore people who comment on the threats to and express their disappointment on the misuse of freedom:
Milton Friedman (1912 - 2006), an American economist: The great threat to freedom is the concentration of power.
Marie-Jeanne Roland (1754-1793), a French writer and political figure: O Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name!
In China, it can be said that Confucius mentioned the idea of freedom when he said: "At seventy I could follow the desires of my mind without overstepping the boundaries of what is right." However, such an idea has never been institutionalised, and up till today, it remains a dream to be fulfilled by individuals.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

西方理性思维的源头:单一世界秩序 Inside the Western Mind: Single-ordered World

Extracted from "A Philosophical Evaluation of Western and Eastern Civilization from a Whiteheadian Perspective" by
Wang Shik Jang: It is often pointed out that while the advancement of Western civilization has been based on a rational way of thinking, that of Eastern civilization has been based on an aesthetic way of thinking......
According to Hall and Ames, one salient characteristic of the Western cosmologies lies in their presumption of the world as “a single-ordered whole.” With such a presumption of the world as a single-ordered whole, many people in the West deny that there are many world orders. For example, it has not been easy for the Westerners to accept plurality of languages, customs and cultures. Therefore, in order to achieve social stability in their surroundings, they favor harmony, cosmos (i.e., order) and unity rather than discord, chaos and anarchy. As a result, harmony, cosmos, and unity have become the selected notions that are sought in an attempt to discover universalizable principles and standards........
Some people may ask why a single-ordered world, i.e., cosmos has always been preferred in the West to the diffusing plurality of the world, i.e., chaos. An answer would be that the notion of anarchy, whether it is social or philosophical, has been feared in the West. Or, philosophically, it can be said that people in the West could not bear an epistemological uncertainty. Therefore, in order to arrive at a tolerable degree of epistemological stability, they needed the concept of unified world, i.e., universe.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

审美距离:今日忽从江上望,始知家在画图中 Aesthetic Distance



The term "aesthetic distance" was coined by Edward Bullough (1880-1934) in 1912.
According to Bullough, a person is "over-distanced" when their perspective becomes too "cold" and "withdrawn" - resulting in a failure to be sufficiently involved with the works' emotional appeal to properly understand or relate to it. On the other hand, a person can become "under-distanced" when their view becomes too "subjective," thus resulting in a failure to be able to appreciate any of the larger issues involved with the work or any larger messages the work is trying to convey. Thus, proper aesthetic distance means finding some middle ground between the ways in which a work of art makes you feel and the ways it makes you think.

Friday, July 25, 2008

子曰:三十而立 Confucius said: At thirty, I could stand.

Confucius said: "三十而立 San Shi Er Li" .
How to translate this into English? Here are some translations that I found on the Internet:
"Be successful by thirty"
"At thirty, I could stand."
"At thirty, I stood firm."
"At 30 I firmly took my stand."
"At thirty I had a place to stand."
Let's talk about 立 first. Here li (立) means to establish, that is to say, our knowledge and learning, including our life philosophy, world view, sense of worth and personality have become mature and established when we are 30.
It also means to stand, to make a stand.
Now the question is: What actually do you want to establish? What 'stand' do you want to take? There are many possible interpretations here. This is because Confucius did not elaborate on the What. Many scholars interpret What to mean li (礼) by quoting Confucius' own words: "Take your stand ie li(立) in the li (礼)." ( li yu li). Confused?
Now, let's talk about 礼. According to Confucius, li (礼) is defined as proprietary rites or good manners. The concept of li determines how you act in a given relationship. In other words, li can be viewed as a person's morality. A person's morality is responsible for how they act or react to certain situations as well as how they view the world. Confucius advocates the necessity of li as a stepping stone to social harmony. li is interpreted quite differently throughout Confucian philosophy.
Fung Yu-Lan: "Confucius also said: 'Take your stand in the li (rituals, ceremonies, proper conduct).' (Analetcs VIII, 8) Again he said: 'Not to know li is to have no means of standing.' (XX, 3) Thus when he said at thirty he could 'stand', he means that he then understood the li and so could practice proper conduct.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

新加坡:成功使它成为代罪羔羊....... Singapore: Success Makes It a Scapegoat

令西方非政府组织烦恼不安的是,新加坡模式对其他发展中国家所其带来的启示。过去十年,苏联,中国和中东国家,都明确的表示希望学习新加坡的模式。这就令西方的非政府组织不满了。他们认为新加坡输出的模式正在挑战他们所珍惜的发展设想:所谓的‘华盛顿共识’- 这个共识规定‘好治理’,包括那些粉饰的民主,是经济繁荣的先决条件。
On 21 Jul, the Straits Times published Jonathan Eyal's article entiled 'Success makes it a scapegoat' and I quote:
"..... Reports from a variety of non-governmental organisations (NGO) and international media sources periodically portray Singapore as a wealthy yet less than attractive state......
To a large extent, success is Singapore's biggest problem. It is hardly the only Asian country to undergo a remarkable ecomonic and political transformation. But it is the only Asian nation whose academics and politicians are completely plugged into the current Western intellectual circuit. So, Singapore's international visibility far outstrips the country's actual size......
...some international NGOs fret about what Singapore means for the development of other nations. Over the decade, countries as far apart as China, Russia and the Gulf states have explicitly praised the Singapore model as the one they wish to follow.....
Western NGOs resent Singapore because they see it as an exporter of a model which challenges their cherished assumptions of development, the so-called 'Washington consensus' which decrees that 'good governance' - by which they mean all the technical trappings of democracy - are a prerequisite for economy prosperity.....
Yet Singaporeans can also derive satisfaction from the current climate. First, they are the subject of international curiosity because theirs is a system which works.
And they are being scrutinised precisely because people suspect that the Singapore model does have wider applications.
So, this is one instance when criticism may be the surest mode of flattery. Regardless of how much it stings."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

创作与灵感 What is Artistic Inspiration?





In the crowd for a thousand times, I failed to look for my love. Suddenly she turned her head and appeared in the corner, where lights were sparse and somber.


People often thinks of artistic inspiration arriving in a sort of thunderbolt moment of creativity.

The truth is, almost nothing is created out of thin air. "Great works of art set a standard, set the bar," says Clint Brown, author of Artist to Artist: Inspiration and Advice from Artists Past and Present. "Although they can be humiliating in a certain sense because they're powerful… they can give you new ideas and help things connect in your own work."
Wikipedia on Inspiration: Inspiration in artistic composition refers to an irrational and unconscious burst of creativity. Literally, the word means "breathed upon," and it has its origins in both Hellenism and Hebraism in the west.
In Greek thought, inspiration meant that the poet or artist would go into ecstasy or furor poeticus, the divine frenzy or poetic madness. He or she would be transported beyond his own mind and given the gods' or goddesses own thoughts to embody.
In Christianity, inspiration is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Saint Paul said that all of the Bible is inspired by God, and the account of Pentecost records the Holy Spirit descending with the sound of a mighty wind.
In the 18th century in England, .... John Locke's model of the human mind suggested that ideas associate with one another and that a string in the mind can be struck by a resonant idea. Therefore, inspiration was a somewhat random but wholly natural association of ideas and sudden unison of thought......Romantic writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson (The Poet), and Percy Bysshe Shelley saw inspiration in terms similar to the Greeks: it was a matter of madness and irrationality.
Sigmund Freud and other later psychologists located inspiration in the inner psyche of the artist. The artist's inspiration came out of unresolved psychological conflict or childhood trauma. Further, inspiration could come directly from the subconscious. Like the Romantic genius theory and the revived notion of "poetic phrenzy," Freud saw artists as fundamentally special, and fundamentally wounded.
Materialist theories of inspiration again diverge between purely internal and purely external sources. Marx did not treat the subject directly, but the Marxist theory of art sees it as the expression of the friction between economic base and economic super-structural positions, or as an unaware dialog of competing ideologies, or as an exploitation of a "fissure" in the ruling class's ideology........
In modern psychology, inspiration is not frequently studied, but it is generally seen as an entirely internal process. In each view, however, whether empiricist or mystical, inspiration is, by its nature, beyond control.

Monday, July 21, 2008

西方学者谈中国的男人主义 Let's Talk About Sexism

还没有机会读郝大卫与安乐哲的名著《汉哲学思维的文化探源》,虽然闻名已久。在网上却找到了Saniba Knight 一篇评论该书的文章。文章中提到的《中国男人主义》(Chinese Sexism) 部分引人注目。
I have not had a chance to read David Hall & Roger Ames's book entitled 'Thinking From the Han: Self, Truth, and Transcendence in Chinese and Western Culture'. However I have found on the Internet a review article on the book. The article, published in Fall 99 issue of the China Review International, was written by Sabina Knight.
The section on Chinese Sexism caught my attention and I quote:
"In Western cultures male dominance has led to definitions of personal achievement that privilege masculine gender traits, and the hegemony of dualistic categories means that women can at best achieve the status of honorary males. In China, emphasis on complementary pairings means that a realized person achieves a harmony of human traits and dispositions, balancing both yin and yang characteristics. The fundamental hierarchy of these relations, however, means that no basis exists for gender equality. The authors thus argue that the Daodejing’s rehabilitation of yin characteristics and feminine traits is merely an antidote to excessive imbalance, not a privileging of these characteristics as some earlier scholarship has argued.
Chinese sexism is thus profoundly more “brutal” insofar as it denies women the very possibility of becoming human. Whereas the Western tradition guarantees a woman an essential human nature even as it forces her to resign her difference to achieve it, the Han tradition views becoming human as a cultural achievement and offers no guarantee about the sanctity of human life. The tradition thus esteems fully realized, authoritative humans who are more cultured and better educated while likening less cultured people to animals. This qualitative hierarchy has historically led to a reluctance to view women as fully realized persons and at times even been invoked to justify abuse."
I am disturbed by the statement that "Chinese sexism is thus profoundly more “brutal” insofar as it denies women the very possibility of becoming human." I really do not understand what is wrong with the idea that man and woman are a complementary pair and that a realized person achieves a harmony of human traits and dispositions, balancing both yin and yang characteristics. As a Chinese, I am definitely not aware that our ancestors had in any way denied women the very posibility of becoming human.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

子曰:唯女子与小人为难养也 Is Confucius the Enemy of Feminism?

南怀瑾《论语别裁》里说得最好: 孔子说女子与小人最难办了,对她太爱护了,她就恃宠而骄,搞得你啼笑皆非,动辄得咎。对她不好,她又恨死你,至死方休,这的确是事实,是无可否认的天下难事。但问题是,世界上的男人,够得上资格免于“小人”罪名的,实在少之又少。孔子这一句话,虽然表面上骂尽了天下女人,但是又有集体男人不在被骂之列呢?
It has always been not easy to translate accurately the Chinese classics into English. This is because the origin Chinese words and phrases are subjected to many possible interpretations. If inaccurate and inappropriate translation are widely read and accepted, it may result in wrong interpretation by the English readers of the real spirit of Chinese culture and philosophy.
One of the most controversial sayings of Confucius appeared in Chapter XXV of Book 17 of the Analects. It was translated by James Legge (理雅各; December 20, 1815 – November 29, 1897):
The Master said, 'Of all people, girls and servants are the most difficult to behave to. If you are familiar with them, they lose their humility. If you maintain a reserve towards them, they are discontented.'
The Chinese scholars are still debating hotly on the possible meanings of '女子' and '小人' without any conclusion so far. I believe the English readers have very little choice but accepted the meaning of '女子' as 'girls' since James Legge is renowned Chinese expert in the western world and his translation of Chinese classics are widely read.
This may explain why there are many people in west have described Confucianism as “the enemy of feminism”. They often argue that Confucianism is the source of the patriarchal society and may have produced significant works about Confucianism's role in preserving the idea of women's subordination to men; they argue that the idea of men's superiority to women is embedded in Confucian philosophy.
While I am not so sure whether this is the correct interpretation of Confucius' view on women, I do believe that the underlying beliefs and assumption in many cultures are that, beyond biology, women and men possess essentially different capacities and functions. Understanding this assumption helps make sense of the perpetuation and even institutionalization of male/female difference with regard to behavior expectations, position within the family, legal rights, public status, education, and types of work. While this most often results in the subordination of women’s position in society vis-a-vis men, it sometimes can be a source of women’s special strength.
In China, the concept of gender difference appears visually in the male/female aspects of the yin/yang Taoist symbol. The dark swirl within the symbol’s circle is the passive, yielding, feminine yin; the light swirl the active, aggressive, male yang. Neither principle is considered subordinate to the other; each complements the other and is capable of expressing both female and male characteristics.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

书法与汉字的可塑性 The Malleability of Chinese Characters

The term "ideogram" is commonly used to describe logographic writing systems such as Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese characters. However, symbols in logographic systems generally represent words or morphemes rather than pure ideas.
A logogram, or logograph, is a single grapheme which represents a word or a morpheme (a meaningful unit of language). This stands in contrast to other writing systems, such as alphabets, where each symbol (letter) primarily represents a sound or a combination of sounds.
A Chinese character is a logogram used in writing Chinese, Japanese and Korean . Its possible precursors appeared as early as 8000 years ago, and a complete writing system in Chinese characters was developed 3500 years ago in China, making it perhaps the oldest surviving writing system. Chinese characters are derived directly from individual pictograms or combinations of pictograms and phonetic signs.
Just as Roman letters have a characteristic shape (lower-case letters occupying a roundish area, with ascenders or descenders on some letters), Chinese characters occupy a more or less square area. The characters are composed of strokes which are the building blocks of its structure. The character structure is composed of component parts that are squashed together in order to maintain a uniform size and shape. The more component parts the character has, the more complicated it is. The character structures and the unique strokes written with a brush provide the calligrapher a high degree of freedom to express his feeling and emotion and thus form his unique style.
There is another reason for saying that the Chinese characters are malleable. This is because they can be written in many styles. There are five major styles of Chinese calligraphy – Seal (Zhuan 篆), Clerical (Li 隶), Running (Cao 草), Walking (Xing 行), and Standard (Kai 楷) Styles. Each major style has many variations or derived sub-styles throughout the Chinese history.
The calligrapher's expression can actually be extremely creative. He is free to produce an infinite variaty of styles and forms. To the artist, calligraphy is a mental exercise that coordinates the mind and body to choose the best styling in expressing the content of the passage.

Friday, July 18, 2008

书法与阴阳学说 Chinese Calligraphy and the Yin-Yang Theory


The concept of Yin and Yang is central to ancient Chinese astrology, traditional Chinese medicine, and ancient Chinese philosophy. Its influence permeates almost everywhere in the oriental culture.
Ancient Chinese believe that the nether world of ghosts and souls exists along with the secular world of human beings. The former is referred to as the yin world, while the latter is referred to as the yang world. From the concept of the two worlds, it is easy to understand why the yin is often associated with evil and darkness and the yang always represents justice and brightness.
The most known Daoist philosopher of China, Laozi, said once regarding unity and inseparability of Yin and Yang:
"When everyone sees beauty as being beautiful, there is already ugliness. When everyone thinks of the good as being good, there is already evil. Being and not being created themselves mutually. The heavy and the light realize themselves mutually. Before and afterwards precede each other mutually”.
The notion of dynamic balance lies at the core of the aesthetics of Chinese calligraphy, holding the key to a genuine appreciation of this art. The dynamic balance and harmony of brushwork can be understood in terms of the relationship between yin and yang, or between their conceptual derivatives of “empty” (xu 虚) and “full’ (shi 实).
For example, the dynamic balance between the brushwork and empty space within or between individual characters in a text can be interpreted as embodying the complementary, harmonious relationship between emptiness and fullness, or, non-being and being. Therefore the black-white (黑白) contrast of the calligraphic line with its dynamic movement is considered to have more aesthetic appeal than colours, which are not only considered static but also carried somewhat of a unrefined (su 俗) connotation.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

子曰:吾十有五而志于学 Confucius: At Fifteen I set my Heart on Learning


Confucius said: "At fifteen I set my heart on learning." By the time he was fifteen, Confucius had resolved to devote his energy to the pursuit of learning, and perhaps already in his heart of hearts; strived the noble spirit of reform and justice for all, the ideals which he was to champion throughout a lifetime of disillusionment.
Fung Yu Lan: The 'learning' which Confucius here refers to is not what we now would call learning. In the Analects, Confucius said: 'Set you heart on the Tao (Dao)'. (VII, 6) And again: 'To hear the Tao in the morning and then die at night, that would be all right.' (IV, 9) Here, Tao means the Way or Truth. It was this Tao which Confucius at fifteen set his heart upon learning. What we now call learning means the increase in our knowledge, but the Tao is that whereby we can elevate our mind.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

民族文化可能是世界性的吗?Will there be a World Wide Culture?

我一向以为,世界性文化是西方人的一厢情愿的理想,所以他们刻意追求还想把西方文化定位为世界文化。即使 Edward Said 那本具有争论性的书‘东方学’1978 年出版后,西方学者除了把他视为异端外,并不为所动。

Wikipedia on Orientalism: A central idea of Edward Said is that Western knowledge about the East is not generated from facts, but through imagined constructs that see all "Eastern" societies as fundamentally similar, all sharing crucial characteristics unlike those of "Western" societies, thus, this ‘a priori’ knowledge established the East as antithetical to the West. Such Eastern knowledge is constructed with literary texts and historical records that often are of limited understanding of the facts of life in the Middle East.
Many scholars now use Said's work to attempt to overturn long-held, often taken-for-granted Western ideological biases regarding non-Westerners in scholarly thought. Some post-colonial scholars would even say that the West's idea of itself was constructed largely by saying what others were not. If "Europe" evolved out of "Christendom" as the "not-Byzantium," early modern Europe in the late 16th century certainly defined itself as the "not-Turkey."

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

文化软力量 Cultural Soft Power

美国教授 Joseph Nye 第一次使用‘软力量’这个名词时,显然是以探讨美国如何维持世界强国地位为背景。他发现由强劲经济衍变出来的流行文化,犹如牡丹加绿叶,互相补助而令美国的经济持续发展,同时加强美国在世界的领导地位。据我的了解,传统文化作为一种软文化,尚未有深入的探讨。
The term Soft Power was first coined by Harvard University Professor Joseph Nye, in a 1990 book, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. He further developed the concept in his 2004 book, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. Soft power is not exclusively cultural power, yet exporting cultural goods that hold attraction for other countries can communicate values and influence those societies.
Joseph Nye: Power is the ability to alter the behavior of others to get what you want. There are basically three ways to do that: coercion (sticks), payments (carrots), and attraction (soft power). British historian Niall Ferguson described soft power as “non-traditional forces such as cultural and commercial goods”—and then promptly dismissed it on the grounds that “it’s, well, soft.” Of course, the fact that a foreigner drinks Coca-Cola or wears a Michael Jordan T-shirt does not in itself mean that America has power over him. This view confuses resources with behavior. Whether power resources produce a favorable outcome depends upon the context. This reality is not unique to soft-power resources: Having a larger tank army may produce military victory if a battle is fought in the desert, but not if it is fought in swampy jungles such as Vietnam.
A country’s soft power can come from three resources: its culture (in places where it is attractive to others), its political values (when it lives up to them at home and abroad), and its foreign policies (when they are seen as legitimate and having moral authority). Consider Iran. Western music and videos are anathema to the ruling mullahs, but attractive to many of the younger generation to whom they transmit ideas of freedom and choice. American culture produces soft power among some Iranians, but not others.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

庄子逍遥游 Zhuangzi's Xiaoyaoyou: Free and Easy Wandering" or "Going Rambling Without a Destination"?

什么是逍遥游?庄子当然没有明言。中国思想家从来就不喜欢下定义,因为下定义就是设置限定的边界。(To define is to set boundaries)。 这是西方理性思维的产物。
东方学者用的是联想思维 - 那就是求助值得仿效的典范和事例,而不是严格的定义,来唤起读者的理解能力。知识因此包含着意义丰盈,无限的模糊的要素。
Extracted from the website: The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
Steve Coutinho: The title of the first chapter of the Zhuangzi has also been translated as "Free and Easy Wandering" and "Going Rambling Without a Destination." Both of these reflect the sense of the Daoist who is in spontaneous accord with the natural world, and who has retreated from the anxieties and dangers of social life, in order to live a healthy and peaceful natural life. In modern Mandarin, the word xiaoyao has thus come to mean "free, at ease, leisurely, spontaneous." It conveys the impression of people who have given up the hustle and bustle of worldly existence and have retired to live a leisurely life outside the city, perhaps in the natural setting of the mountains.
But this everyday expression is lacking a deeper significance that is expressed in the classical Chinese phrase: the sense of distance, or going beyond. As with all Zhuangzi's images, this is to be understood metaphorically. The second word, 'yao,' means 'distance' or 'beyond,' and here implies going beyond the boundaries of familiarity. We ordinarily confine ourselves with our social roles, expectations, and values, and with our everyday understandings of things. But this, according to Zhuangzi, is inadequate for a deeper appreciation of the natures of things, and for a more successful mode of interacting with them. We need at the very least to undo preconceptions that prevent us from seeing things and events in new ways; we need to see how we can structure and restructure the boundaries of things. But we can only do so when we ourselves have 'wandered beyond' the boundaries of the familiar. It is only by freeing our imaginations to reconceive ourselves, and our worlds, and the things with which we interact, that we may begin to understand the deeper tendencies of the natural transformations by which we are all affected, and of which we are all constituted. By loosening the bonds of our fixed preconceptions, we bring ourselves closer to an attunement to the potent and productive natural way (dao) of things.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

西方理想:全球通行的法则 The Idea of Universal Norms

联合早报今天报导, 李资政昨日 (七月十一日) 在新加坡金融管理局及新加坡经济学会联办颁奖礼中,指出西方国家想为世界各地拟定一套全球通行的法律。
李资政的观点,西方学者很早就察觉到了。德国学者 Karl-Heinz Pohl 就指出,西方由于在科技,自然科学及军事能力等等方面的领先优势,及这些科技应用的普遍性,使到西方学者假定西方人文的学说也同样是放诸四海而皆准的普遍准则。他也指出,所谓的人文学说的跨文化交流,一直以来都是单方向交通。欧美学说成为全球的普遍准则。西方学者对其他文化研而不用,最终束之高阁。

Extracted from "An Intercultural Perspective on Chinese Aesthetics"
Karl-Heinz Pohl:The imprint of western style modernity on the world can be observed in the remotest corners of the globe. Whether these developments are a blessing or a curse for the human enterprise on this planet will be left for later generations to decide. Whatever the ultimate judgement may be, there seems to be a globally accepted assumption among intellectuals that the theoretical approach and level of complexity in the Humanities, as they are studied in the West, are to be applied as universal norms.
This would appear to be inspired by perceptions of western superiority in so many other areas, particularly in technology, natural sciences and even military capability.......
We are still cooking in the juice of our western style scientific theories and take it for granted that people from other cultures will simply have to become well versed in western modes of thought – even in the Humanities, which are designed to explore the very essentials of human existence.
The so-called cross-cultural exchange in the Humanities has, then, in fact been taking place on a one-way-street: Euro-American theories, categories and models were adopted everywhere and have become the universal standard of discourse for intellectuals all over the world. Meanwhile, in the West, the preoccupation with other cultures was limited to a kind of cultural-anthropological positivism: the peculiarities of other cultures were researched, mapped out, and filed in the edifices of western academia.

Friday, July 11, 2008

李资政谈中国改革开放面对的挑战 MM Lee: The Obstacles to China's Success

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew was interviewed by Channel NewsAsia recently. The interview was first broadcast on 9 Jul 08. Here is the extract of MM Lee's view on some of the obstacles to China's success, as reported by The Straits Times today.
MM Lee: Their biggest difficulty is educating the whole population. It will take them two to three generations to catch up with US standards al all levels, from primary to tertiary level. In the main cities along the coast and in the provincial capitals, the standards are good. But in the villages and the interior, standards are very patchy because, like everybody else, their best teachers don't want to go there.
Next is the mindset. There are very few Chinese cities like Shanghai or Dalian that are international settlements where people can learn to interact with foreigners and their corporations. So they are more inward-looking and they work in factions. Whether the politics or business, your progress depends on how fast your faction leaders rises. That is difficult habit to break.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

说阴道阳 Let's Talk About Yin-Yang

Fung Yu-Lan(冯友兰): In ancient China, there are two lines of thought that thus tried to interpret the structure and origin of the universe. One is found in the writings of the Yin-Yang, while the other is the text of the Book of Changes (Yi-Jing 易经). Later, these two lines of thought become intermingled, known as Yin-Yang School.
The word Yang originally meant sunshine or what pertains to sunshine and light; that of Yin meant the absence of sunshine, ie shadow or darkness. In later development, Yin and Yang came to be regarded as two cosmic opposite pricinples or forces and through the interaction of these two primary pricinples, all phenomena of the universe are produced.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008



Wittgenstein discussed figures which can be seen and understood in two different ways. Often one can see something in a straightforward way — seeing that it is a rabbit, perhaps. But, at other times, one notices a particular aspect — seeing it as something.

An example Wittgenstein uses is the "duckrabbit", a picture that can be seen as either a duck or a rabbit. When one looks at the duck-rabbit and sees a rabbit, one is not interpreting the picture as a rabbit, but rather reporting what one sees. One just sees the picture as a rabbit. But what occurs when one sees it first as a duck, then as a rabbit? Wittgenstein isn't sure. However, he is sure that it could not be the case that the external world stays the same while an 'internal' cognitive change takes place.


天就是Heaven吗?中文字典对天的解释是:天空,天然,自然,造化。读了一点中国哲学的人自然就想到天地人的天。天堂是西方人的思维。Heaven 在字典中是说:Home of God and saints; place, state, of supreme happiness. 华人可没有Heaven的观念。 中文也没有 God 的相应词。天主是天的主人;上帝为上尊老爷。这样就把华人家庭谱系的思维悄悄地引进来了。

Monday, July 7, 2008


Liu Shi-Zai in his “The Concept of Art” said, “Chinese calligraphy resembles one’s personality, talent, and will. It resembles oneself.” He also said, “The calligraphy of the sages look warm and pure; the calligraphy of the handsome and masculine people look calm and willful; the calligraphy of the skillful hermits look sharp and direct; the calligraphy of the talented look elegant and wise.” He further said, “The way to elevate one’s spirit starts from the holding the brush; the mind will be enlightened if the operation of the brush is correct. If one’s heart is upright, his calligraphy will inherit the personalities and spirits of the ancient masters and sages. If he practices calligraphy diligently, the spirits of ancient calligraphers will be in the core of the brush with beautiful writings flowing underneath. Then his calligraphy will be remembered.”

Sunday, July 6, 2008



Friday, July 4, 2008



Confucius: At fifteen I set my heart on learning. At thirty I could stand. At forty I had no doubts. At fifty I knew the Decree of Heaven. At sixty I was already obedient to this Decree. At seventy I could follow the desires of my mind without overstepping the boundaries of what is right.
