Tuesday, June 23, 2009

前不见古人 Ahead, I see no ancestors

陈子昂(661–702) 是唐朝诗人。他的老家射洪也就是今日四川的遂宁市。二十四岁就考中进士。
Chen Zi'ang (661–702) was a Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. A native of Shehong County in what is today Suining, Sichuan, he completed the national Jinshi level of the Imperial Examination at age twenty-four.
Chen Zi'ang advocated the poetry styles of the Han and Wei dynasties. His representative works of 38 poems known as Ganyu (stirred by my experiences) explicitly manifest his spirit of renewal.
He felt that poems should reflect reality and he helped lay the groundwork for the development of Tang Poems. With his active interest in politics, much of his work has undertones of social commentary.
However, he is chiefly remembered for his poem ‘Climbing the You Zhou Building’ which is vigorous and straightforward.
Chinese have been noted for their historical-mindedness, and their society is said to have lived under the tutelage of history. In the Chinese mind, history describes how aware we are of being in time that flows as we engage in various activities in the world. Since the ‘flow’ includes its direction, to be aware of being in time means to have a sense of direction.
Such a definite direction gives us the prospect and purpose of living. Confucius (551–479 bc) stood at the river bank and sighed about the ‘river of time’, ‘Oh, how it flows day and night, without ceasing!’ In contrast, to lose this sense of time-direction is to be exiled out of living itself, to feel ‘out of place,’ unspeakably lost and lonesome in the world.
Similarly, Chen Zi’ang also went up the Youzhou tower and gave a long sigh,
Ahead, I see no ancestors;
Behind, I find no followers.
Contemplating the limitless of the universe;
I can't help but weep, feeling sad and lonely.

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