Friday, February 20, 2009

人文主义 Humanism

We noted that the birth of modern science was one thing that happened during the Renaissance that was of great importance for the later character of modern philosophy.
As the role of reason re-asserted itself and the new scientific methodology began to be employed, first to understand and then to improve it, an optimistic belief in progress arose, as well as an increasing confidence in the capacity of humans to solve problems. There was thus a growing stress upon man and his power and dignity.
This was the stirring of a giant who had been asleep and during his sleep had been tied and fettered until he could no longer move. Slowly the giant broke his bonds, stood up, and proclaimed his power to the world.
Man dared to assert his ability to control the world, to master his ways and turned them to his desires. It was an emphasis upon the human in the universe and, therefore, has been called ‘Humanism’.
As a philosophy, humanism started developing during the renaissance and gained ground during the enlightenment, sharing ideals such as human freedom, equality, rights, rationalism, and democracy.
The humanists believe that democracy and human rights are universal values and must exist for all people, regardless of where you live. It is obvious that western humanists are not able to think out of universalism and rationalism.

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