Saturday, February 14, 2009

华人的横向超越观念 The Chinese Idea of Horizontal Transcendence

We noted that the notion of transcendence is not part of the Chinese philosophical thinking.
For Plato, the world which we see and experience through our senses are not real. In it, we find things changing, coming and going, but they are not real. There is a world of ideas that is separated from our perceivable world. In the Idea World, things are perfect; they do not change in anyway, never fade or die, and remain forever.
In other words, the western philosophers say that we cannot trust what we see. We can only trust our reasoning power to discover the real and eternal world, which transcend the physical world that we see every day.
When we say the Chinese do not subscribe to the idea of transcendence, does it imply that they trust what they see and trust their experience as real? The answer is obviously no.
Chinese view of things is based on experience and what they see in their daily lives. Since things change, there is a need to relate the past state of things before they change and the future state to which they will transform. Things in past and future are things that are absent from our view, but they are real.
In other words, Chinese believe that one must read what is implied but not expressed on the surface, or the meaning behind what is said. To understand the present, one must know the absent, which can be found in the past and the future.
That is to say, the Chinese view of things actually transcend from the present to the absent. The absent is unlimited and eternal. We can call this transcendence the horizontal transcendence.
To draw a line between the Chinese idea of transcendence and the western transcendence, we shall call the western transcendence the vertical transcendence.

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