Tuesday, April 28, 2009

智慧:怂恿,非激辩 Wisdom: Invitational, Not Argumentative

It is said that the Chinese philosophy is ‘wisdom’ literature, composed primarily of stories and sayings designed to move the audience to adopt a way of life or to confirm its adoption of that way of life. One learns from observing the world rather than first principles. The value of wisdom consists in its usefulness for everyday life
Therefore, in Confucianism you pick up ethics rather than are taught it; you watch people and learn various ground rules, including looking at the context, the situation, the relationships, the people involved, etc. As Confucius says, 'I learn from both the good and the bad. The good I imitate, the bad I try to distance myself from.'
Zigong asked Confucius to give a single word which should guide one’s actions throughout one’s life. Confucius answered, ‘the principle of sympathy; to not ever do something to someone else that you have personally experienced to be unjust.’
In Chinese tradition the role of the sage is therefore of special importance. The sage does not have to instruct to be respected; he does not have to speak to be believed, he does not have to reinforce to be encouraging and he does not have to become angry to be feared.
As Hegel puts it, the light of the orient is not the light of reason. Both Confucius and Laozi seem to prefer to leave truth ambivalent, appear almost unwilling to pronounce it. Confucius said, 'The people may be made to follow a path of action, but they may not be made to understand it.' And Laozi said, ‘I do not know it, therefore I call it Dao.’

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

成龙失控,还是港台失控? Is Jackie Out of ‘Control’?

The American Associated Press filed the following reports on 18 April 2009 on Jackie Chan’s comment that ‘we Chinese need to be controlled’ and on responses from Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Action movie star Jackie Chan questioned the need for freedom for Chinese people during a speech Saturday, prompting outrage from lawmakers in Taiwan and Hong Kong, who accused him of insulting his own race.
The 55-year-old star of "Rush Hour" said at a business forum in the southern Chinese island province Hainan on Saturday that a free society may not be beneficial for authoritarian mainland China.
"I'm not sure if it's good to have freedom or not," Chan said at the Boao Forum. "If you're too free, you're like the way Hong Kong is now. It's very chaotic. Taiwan is also chaotic."
Chan added, "I'm gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want."
Chan's comments drew applause from his audience of mainly business leaders in Hainan on Saturday, but prompted fierce criticism from lawmakers in Taiwan and his hometown Hong Kong on Sunday.
Taiwan, which split with mainland China amid civil war in 1949, is a democratically self-ruled island.
Former British colony Hong Kong enjoys Western-style civil liberties and some democratic elections under Chinese rule. Half of its 60-member legislature is elected, with the other half picked by special interest groups. But Hong Kong's leader is chosen by a panel stacked with Beijing loyalists.
"He's insulted the Chinese people. Chinese people aren't pets," pro-democracy Hong Kong legislator Leung Kwok-hung told The Associated Press in a phone interview. "Chinese society needs a democratic system to protect human rights and rule of law."
"His comments are racist. People around the world are running their own countries. Why can't Chinese do the same?" another Hong Kong lawmaker, Albert Ho, told the AP.
"He himself has enjoyed freedom and democracy and has reaped the economic benefits of capitalism. But he has yet to grasp the true meaning of freedom and democracy," Taiwanese legislator Huang Wei-che said.
While Chan's comments were reported by the Hong Kong and Taiwanese news outlets, they were ignored by the mainland Chinese press.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

子曰:齐之以礼 Confucius Said: Regulate People by Rules of Li

Confucius said, 'Lead the people with legal measures and regulate them by punishment, and they will avoid wrongdoing but will have no sense of honour and shame. Lead them with the power of virtuous example and regulate them by rules of li, and they will have a sense shame and will thus rectify themselves.'
When Confucius said the above more than two thousand five hundred years ago, it is as though he had already seen the problems we faced today and found the answer in the ritualisation of li. Li is the most important term in Confucius’ thought.
The word li encompassed a number of ideas convey in English by separate words, such as ritual, custom, propriety, and manners.
The oldest meaning of li referred to the scared rites of sacrifice, the heart of early Chinese ceremonial practices. Confucius took this idea of activity specifically pertaining to sacred things and enlarged it so that all daily activities could be viewed as sacred. However, one should note that the main goal here is to make the attitudes appropriate to sacrificial rites pervade all the affairs of life rather than to get close to the spiritual things. As Confucius himself put it: 'To give one's self earnestly to the duties due to men, and, while respecting spiritual beings, to keep aloof from them, may be called wisdom.'
The assumed direction of influence in the Confucian view was from the top down – that is, from the head of government down to the common people. If the leaders can be changed, then the people would be changed also. As the saying goes, fish begins to stink at the head.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

杜牧: 清明 Du Mu: Qingming

华人的清明节是一个到先人墓前怀念与祭拜的日子。由于还是春天,扫墓完毕后,全家人就可以趁这个机会到郊外去游玩。当天郊游的习俗可以追溯到千多年前的唐朝(618-907) 。
For the Chinese, Qinming, the Chinese All Souls Day, is a day to remember and honour one's ancestors at grave sites. Since it is still springtime, people also take the opportunity to enjoy themselves in the countryside after finished sweeping and weeding the ancestral graves with the entire family. This habit of taking an excursion on this day can be traced back to Tang (618-907) Dynasty, which is more than a thousand years ago.
Qingming is frequently mentioned in Chinese literature. Among these, the most famous one is probably Du Mu’s poem ‘Qingming’.
Du Mu (803—852) was a famous poet of the Tang dynasty and is best remembered for his lyrical and romantic quatrains. After passing the imperial examination and obtained Jinshi in 828, he only held a series of minor official posts. His frustration is reflected in his poetry. Like most scholar-officials, he was adept in the art of calligraphy and painting as well as essays and poetry.
In the poem, the poet was walking alone in the ceaseless spring drizzles in a strange place, feels all the more lonely, melancholy and dismayed. He is so troubled and disheartened that he is on the brink of breaking down. However, he won’t lie down under loneliness and distress. Stirring himself up, he hurries along to find a tavern for a drink so that he can mix with cheerful people and wine. So the carefree boy points to the apricot woods. The poem ends on a broad vision graced with freshness and delight.
Du Mu: Qingming
The ceaseless drizzles drips all the dismal day,
So broken-hearted fares the traveller on the way.
When asked where could be found a tavern bower,
A cowboy points to yonder village of the apricot flower.