但是,华人没有创造神话 - 中文里本来也没有这个词语。中国人的世界是造化,造而化之;造与化是一枚硬币的两面。
Creation myths are the first real glimpses into how humanity first viewed itself in relation to the world around us. Most of these myths tell of an anthropomorphic god, goddess, or gods and goddesses that ruled over humanity and all of nature.
For the ancient Greeks, Mother Earth was the primal force giving birth to deities and human alike. These deities, in turn, ruled over the realm of humanity controlling all natural events from flood to famine. With higher powers in charge, the Western view of the world was distinctly split between the realm of the divine and the realm of humanity, with created a dualism of thoughts as well.
It was the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle who firmly entrenched this dualism of mind and matter into Western thought. He emphasised the study of the natural world into its individual physical components, and this emphasis placed humanity in the role of observer of the world around it and not necessarily as a participant of that world.
However, Chinese do not have creation myths – and there is no Chinese term for it. The Chinese world is known as Zaohua, i.e. create (zao) it and change (hua) it, creation and change are two sides of a coin.
The ancient Chinese have regarded the world and man as uncreated, as constituting the central features a spontaneously self-generating cosmos having no creator, god, ultimate cause, or will external to it. Thus, the natural world and humans are one and only part of a larger, ever-flowing continuum of creation. The supreme force was not separate and above them, as a ruling deity in heaven, but was within and without them, all encompassing and all-inclusive.
For Chinese, there was not ultimate Being bringing about change in the world, it was simply a given and natural condition of existence, the workings of creation. There was also not clear distinction between the divine and humanity or humanity and nature. They were the inseparable part of a whole.
It is this fundamental conception that sets the Chinese world view apart from that of the West.