Tuesday, December 29, 2009

科举:唯有读书高 Education as a Social Ladder: Chinese Imperial Examinations


所以自古以来, 华人把教育当成是提升社会地位的梯子。宋朝(960-1279)汪洙著名的《神 童 诗》就说“天子重英豪,文章教尔曹;万般皆下品,惟有读书高。”这首诗句成为千年中国人的金科玉律。它鼓励人们读书。

We noted that Chinese culture is the ‘Status Culture’. In pre-Confucian China, the feudal system divided the population into 6 classes. Four noble classes are the king at the top, followed by the dukes, then the great men and finally the scholars. Below the noble classes were commoners and slaves.
Since the ancient time, the might of China was established militarily, often by emperors from humble origins who had toppled existing dynasties. However, once in control, these emperors soon realized that the actual governance of China would require the administrative services of thousands of bureaucrats. The imperial examination system was thus introduced as a means for creating such a body of men. The Imperial Examination System was a unique a meritocratic strategy in China that lasted for 1300 years, from its founding during the Sui Dynasty in 605 to its abolition near the end of the Qing Dynasty in 1905.
The fundamental justification for the Chinese Imperial Exams was that appointees to civil service positions were not to be chosen through special or inherited privilege, but through an individual's own abilities. There were numerous stories about how the scholars worked very, very hard, and finally passed the examination and succeeded in getting official positions. These stories encouraged generations of generations of youth in China to study hard, making it into a tradition.
It is therefore natural that Chinese has regarded education as a ladder of social ascendancy since ancient time. The most famous saying about "study" in China is from a poem in Song Dynasty (960-1279) by Wang Zhu, literarily translated as "The emperor values heroes, book can teach you (how to be). Everything else is low-grade, only study is above all." This poem has been considered as the golden rule in China for thousands of years. It encourages people to study.
There is also a poem persuading people to study from the Song Dynasty that says, "There is no need for the rich to buy land (to produce food), as plenty of food can be found in books. There is no need to invest in building a good house, as golden house can be found in books. There is no need to worry that no matchmaker is willing to introduce you a wife, as pretty girls can be found in books." It implies that studying can make you have enough to eat, a fancy house, and a beautiful woman.
It was the imperial examination system that created the scholar class. The scholars who were neither nobles nor merchants gradually became the main force of transforming society and uprooting the feudal nobles. These scholars helped to build and maintain a Chinese feudal society that lasted for 2000 years and co-existed with agricultural economy and unified royal power polity.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

身份与平等 Status and Equality

It has often been said that the Chinese culture is a ‘status culture’ and the Western culture is an ‘equality culture’.
The Chinese society is a society which is based on hierarchical conditions. The background is the Confucian family thinking, that's why in China hierarchical structures are usually regarded as natural, as naturally given. As child you are namely born into a natural hierarchy. Parents have the saying, and they keep it towards their children, even though these grow up.
The term 'authority' has in this respect a different rank. It is not associated with something negative but with positive qualities, such as care, kindness, responsibility, maturity. Elders / parents are respected and the principle of seniority controls the life and working sphere of China (and generally in Eastern Asia). And since state and society are seen like a family, it is always and everywhere the respective status that matters (visiting-cards inform about it and let you accordingly adapt your behaviour).
Chinese leaders are normally credited with the ability to determine what is in the best interests of society and its members. Indeed, much of their authority to rule is based on their claim to superior ethical insight and political wisdom, their knowledge of the best way to govern. Even in a family, parents and children are equal. The Chinese will never understand this mentality of equal rights of family members.
In the West, arguably the most well known quotation is ‘All men are created equal’. Equality as a political principle implies that there is no class of citizens with a right to more favourable treatment under the law, which itself is seen as the enforcement arm of governance. In other words, it means that regardless of faith, creed and status all laws should apply equally to everyone and no-one was above the law.
But the Westerners hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

总统的客人 All The President's Guests

看来这对配偶相当享受公众的注意。在‘面簿’(Facebook) 上出现了不少他们与晚宴贵宾所拍的照片,包括与副总统拜登、华盛顿市长奋题、新闻主播库丽、白宫办公厅主任伊曼纽尔所拍的照片。
In USA, a couple who attended President Barack Obama’s first White House state dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 24 Nov, has received a lot of publicity for being uninvited guests. The couple, Mr Tareq and his wife Michaele, who are in their 40s, were described by their friends as fun-loving and unabashed about pursuing the spot-light and playing debonair couple who know and are known by all right people.
A photo released by the White House has shown President Obama greeting the couple. The agency charged with protecting the president and other high-level officials is conducting a comprehensive review of the security breach, although the couple complained that the investigation was hard on them because they believed that they really were invited guests.
The couple seems to have enjoyed the publicity. A dozen pictures posted on Facebook appear to show the couple posing with dinner guests including Vice President Joe Biden, Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty, CBS News anchor Katie Couric, and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
In China, another person who met President Obama on 16 Nov is also getting a lot of publicity, but unlike the couple, it’s about the coat she wore.
Shanghai’s Jiaotong University student Wang Zifei was snapped by photographers sitting behind the US President when he met Chinese young citizens at a town-hall style forum, while on his visit to Shanghai.
Clad in a black dress and red coat, she was photographed taking off her coat. Online forums have been gushing over her beauty and poise, with netizens describing in details her look and dress sense. Ms Wang, however, appears to be a reluctant celebrity. She said on her blog, ‘I’m hoping to quickly restore it to normal. I hope after all this, I can continue to be my simple self.’

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

書法治療 Calligraphy Therapy


It is said that Chinese calligraphy is not only a beautiful art, its practice is also an effective way to enjoy healthy life and longevity.

A study in Hong Kong seems to prove the above observation is correct.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

欢迎,毛巴马同志!Welcome, Comrade Maobama!


U.S. President Barack Obama visited China from 15 to 17 Nov. This historic three-day visit to China was part of an eight-day tour of Asia. It was the president's first trip to China.
It was reported that the Chinese people, especially young people’s impression of him was quite good, as it is expected that he would maintain a moderate policy toward China. Statistics shows that Obama is indeed popular among the netizens in China. A search for Obama on the Google China Web site will result in more than 7.8 million entries as compared to less than four million entries for President Hu.
Obama's popularity in China is also evidenced by the fact that ‘MaoBama’ or ‘ObaMao’ labelled products are fast becoming a hot commodity in China. The design is President Barack Obama’s face dressed in Chair Mao’s Red Guards’ cap and uniform. The products, especially the T-shirt, were selling like hot cakes at small souvenir shops in famous tourist areas in Beijing since September 2009.
Obama's visit to Beijing has already started a ‘MaoBama’ and ‘ObaMao’ cyclone, although it was reported that the Chinese government banned the products during Obama’s presidential visit in China for fear of offending the U. S. President and causing embarrassment.
A shopkeeper was heard saying, ‘Most Chinese people like Obama. I feel he is a very good man, and humorous. Also, he is the first African American president.’
Welcome, comrade Maobama, to the creative capitalist China.