Tuesday, October 27, 2009

王维《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 Wong Wei: On the Ninth Day of the Ninth Lunar Month Thinking of my Brothers in Shandong

很久很久以前,王维 (701-761) 就在这一天写了一首诗《九月九日忆山东兄弟》,立刻成为经典之作而传播全中国。

Yesterday (26 Oct 09) was the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. Every year, Chinese all over the world celebrate the traditional Chongyang Festival on this day. People like to climb mountains on this festival, so Chongyang Festival is also called “Mountain-climbing Festival”.
It was also on this day a long, long time ago, Wang Wei (701-761) wrote a poem ‘On the Ninth Day of the Ninth Lunar Month Thinking of my Brothers in Shandong’ which became an instant classic and spread all over China.
Wang Wei is sometimes classed as one of the three greatest poets of the Tang dynasty, along with Du Fu and Li Bai. While he was neither as brilliant a craftsman as Du Fu nor as exuberant a genius as Li Bai, he excelled in imagery, and his poems often hold a subtle metaphysical flavour testifying to his long study of Buddhism.
Mountain climbing was a popular custom on Chongyang Festival during the Tang Dynasty. For many, it was the last outing of the year before the onset of winter. The custom evolved into its present form, when people go climbing to get some exercise as well as enjoy the autumn scenery.
For Wang Wei, it was his hope that by climbing to the mountain top and looking far into the distance, he could see his brothers and other relatives who lived far away. But he could not, therefore he sighed:
All alone as a stranger in a strange land,
I am twice as homesick on this day.
When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain,
Each of them a branch, and mine missing.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

华人书法:线条的艺术? Chinese Calligraphy: The Art of Lines?

除了视觉造型的规则之外, 以经实证方法所产生的美丽线条是展示书法的最重要途径。这就是为什么被称为‘线条艺术’。
传统上,书法家研发笔法的目的就是为了服务书写有意味的符号 —— 中文为唯一的目的。

Chinese calligraphy is about writing the Chinese characters. Since Chinese characters are basically significant form of symbols, it is therefore said that Chinese Calligraphy is a fine art of significant form of symbols.
There is another aspect of Chinese calligraphy. The primary tool in Chinese calligraphy is the writing brush. It is this unique cone and flexible writing tool which made of animal hair (including sheep hair, wolf hair, rabbit hair, chicken hair, etc.). Chinese calligraphers also developed unique ways to use the brush (that is, ‘writing rules’ or the techniques of ‘using the writing brush’, ‘moving the writing brush’, ‘holding the writing brush’ etc).
The brush as a writing tool is very simple. It is used together with the writing rice paper (mainly is Xuan paper) or silk, the black ink which showed shades. The tools are simple, but the ability to integrate the three into one and use them appropriately will produce rich and unbelievable art expressive force.
In addition to the rules of visual modelling, the most important way to display Chinese calligraphy art is the beauty of lines generated by proven techniques. This is why Chinese called the Chinese calligraphy as ‘line art’.
Traditionally, Chinese calligraphers’ purpose of developing brush techniques is to serve the sole objective of writing meaning symbols – the Chinese characters.
However, this has been challenged by some modern calligraphers who have taken a radical view that treats Chinese calligraphy as purely an art of using brush techniques to draw lines without having in mind the need to write Chinese words.
In other words, the Modern Chinese calligraphers have asked an unthinkable question: Should the Chinese calligraphy be the art of writing Chinese characters?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

中文:有意味的形式 Chinese Characters: The Significant Form


The Chinese characters are said to possess beauty in sense, sound and form. Based on pictographs, they combine shapes with sounds and connotations to form unique, block-shaped characters that carry meaning.
As one kind of the most ancient characters, it is obvious that Chinese characters have also played a significant role in the development of Chinese culture. Originally, ancient Sumerian and ancient Egyptian symbols existed, but only Chinese characters remain today.

There is a very popular myth named "Invention of Characters by Cang Jie". According to this myth, Cang Jie, a historical chronicler of the Yellow Emperor over 5,000 years ago, was inspired by the footprints of animals and understood that different prints could be treated as marks to discriminate different objects, so he invented a lot of symbols to represent different objects and affairs, and they were the oldest Chinese characters.
These characters have gone through a vigorous process of simplification, conceptualisation and crystallisation over a long period of time, before they finally become the current form that represents things and ideas.
The current form of Chinese characters are composed of a group of lines and points, which may form a single key component in a character; various components then combine together to form a character. Many rules and principles of structure have been developed and evolved since ancient times. It is only after one knows the principles of the structure of Chinese characters one can know how to write them correctly. Generation after generation, many calligraphers have spent their lifetime to study and understand these principles and rules so that they can find the best way to write them beautifully.
The Chinese characters are a set of aesthetically beautiful symbols because their structure truly represents the significant form of myriad things.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

二元对立与对立互补 Binary Opposites and Complementary Opposites


It is hard for Westerners to imagine a compromise between the black and the white which they often use metaphorically to frame issues and analyze problems. Such thought patterns are typically called binary opposites as opposed to the Chinese concept of yin-yang complementary opposites.
The western concept of binary opposites says that people think in terms of opposites. All things are identified in part by what they are not (the sky is dark but not bright). There are countless binary opposites, such as beginning/end, tall/short, masculine/feminine, presence/absence, and speech/writing. In addition to being dichotomies, these pairs are also hierarchies. We think of a beginning as more important than an end, presence as better than absence, soul/mind as more important than body, speech as more important than writing.
For the Chinese, while Yin and Yang are opposites, both of which could not exist without the other. The idea is that everywhere in nature opposites must coexist harmoniously, that is, the opposites complement each other, because each gives existence and meaning to the other. Wherever there is light there will be dark, where there is up there must be down, where there is winter, so shall be summer. This is naturally reflected in the Chinese language such phrases as ‘up and down, left and right, hot and cold’, etc. A balance of opposites creates the best situation for harmony and calm.
It is essential to understand that the nature of such forces in yin-yang thought is not an antagonistic or opposite relationship. It is also not a ‘dualism’, an assertion that the world is comprised of forces that are intrinsically separate and hostile, like ‘truth and falsehood’, or ‘good and evil’. In ancient China, yin and yang were always understood as existing in harmonious balance, this is reflected in the saying, ‘yang is contained in yin and yin is contained in yang.’