Thursday, November 6, 2008

中国书法:古典优雅的艺术 Chinese Calligraphy: Fine Art of Classical Elegance

There have been a lot of discussions on the nature of Chinese Calligraphy without any generally accepted agreement till today. One school of thought gets its inspiration from Wang Guowei's theory of guya (古雅).
Wang’s view on aesthetics is no doubt that of a formalist. He asserts that all beauty is by definition formal beauty that lies in the symmetry, variety and harmony of form. For example, the hero and his situation provide the subject matter of a novel or drama, but this subject matter can arouse aesthetic feelings only through adequate form. Only this form, which is distinct from the subject matter, can become an aesthetic object.
He says that there are generally two types of form. What is expressed naturally and perfectly in the primary form will produce an aesthetic object of either the beautiful (优美) or the sublime (宏壮), and what is skillfully represented in the secondary form will produce an aesthetic object of the refined (古雅). The secondary form does not exist in the natural world.
The term guya consists of two Chinese characters: gu (ancient or classical) and ya (grace or elegance). Wang put them together to mean a kind of classical elegance or refined gracefulness in art.
It is generally accepted that Chinese Calligraphy is an art of writing Chinese words or characters. If one accepts that the Chinese characters are the primary form of Chinese Calligraphy, then one would naturally conclude that Chinese Calligraphy is the artistic expression of Chinese characters in their secondary form.
In other words, Chinese Calligraphy is a fine art of classical elegance.

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