Saturday, October 25, 2008

中庸 :天命之謂性 Zhong Yong: What Tian Confers (on man) is called his (Human) Nature

英语把性和自然都译为‘nature’,可是中文里这两个词在语意是没有关联的。英语 nature在西方思维里包含了中国古代所没有的超越现实。一般上,性可译为human nature。
We have said that the Confucians have extended the meaning of the Chinese word Tian to mean an ethical Tian. In Zhong Yong (The Doctrine of Mean), a book written by Zisi, Tian is linked to Dao:
What Tian confers (on man) is called his (human) nature;
Following our straightforward nature is called the Dao;
Cultivating the Dao is called education.
One should note that the word Ming (命) in the first sentence is a verb that means ‘confers’. So Tian Ming here is not to be interpreted as the Decree of Heaven.
The word Xing (性) needs clarification. Xing, ziran (自然) are both commonly translated into English as ‘nature’, but the two terms have no semantic relationship to each other in Chinese. The translation ‘nature’ has implications from Western conceptual scheme of a transcendent reality that was nonexistent in ancient China. Xing is conventionally interpreted as ‘human nature’.
What then is ‘straightforward nature’? The Confucians have another term for it called ‘The bare mind’ (赤子之心 also translated as The Pure Heart)。It is observed that a child starts to speak only about one hundred days after his birth. Before this, his mind is straightforward, pure, clear, without stress, and is as natural as it is. His mind during this period is termed a Bare Mind and it is this stage of mind that is known as Dao. One must take note that this Dao refers to the Dao of Humanity – which is another important Chinese concept.
After a child starts to talk, his mind will be influenced by his natural environment, people surrounding him, as Confucius observed: 'men are close in human nature but far apart in practice’. (The Analects, 17.2) Therefore there is a need to cultivate it back to the bare mind again.
In the Confucian tradition, the process of cultivation is known as Education ‘xiudao修道’.
The term ‘xiudao修道’ is used by the Doaists rather differently to mean the cultivation of Dao to attain immortality.

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