Friday, October 17, 2008

子曰:七十而从心所欲,不逾矩Confucius Said: At Seventy, I could Follow the Desires of my Mind…..

The last couple of years of Confucius' life must have been bitter ones for him. At the age of 56, he left the state of Lu to travel to other states in order to see if he could advise other rulers to put his principles into practice. However, he met instead with indifference and, occasionally, severe hardship and danger.
He returned to Lu at the age of 69. Shortly after his return, he met with a number of deaths among his close associates. First his son died, and then his favourite disciple Yen Hui. Sima Niu, had a tragic death in 481 BC, and Zilu was killed in the civil war of Wei in 480 BC.
However, Confucius seemed to face his own death calmly. Once when he was very ill, Zilu asked if he could pray for him. The master responded, "My praying has been for a long time." What he meant was that the deeds of his life had been his prayer to Heaven, there was no need to pray for him.
Confucius spent the last years of his life teaching, spreading his thoughts and wisdom to his growing number of disciples and transmitting his words through a set of books called Five Classics, which include Yijing, the Book of Changes. Confucius' traditional association with these works led them and related texts to be revered as the “Confucian Classics” and made Confucius himself the spiritual ancestor of later teachers, historians, moral philosophers, literary scholars, and countless others whose lives and works figure prominently in Chinese intellectual history.
Confucius must have known clearly the boundaries of what is right since the moral standards were interpreted and set by him. No wonder he said, ‘At seventy I could follow the desires of my mind without overstepping the boundaries of what is right.’

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