Friday, October 3, 2008

易经:六爻之动,三极之道也 Yijing: The Six Lines and Three Powers

易经说:六爻之动,三极之道也 。
Yijing says: The movements which take place in the six lines (six places of the hexagram) show the course of the three powers in their perfect operations.
What are the three powers? They are Tian (heaven), Di (earth) and Ren (humanity), which we have noted that they form the Chinese view of a three-tier universe.
Is the universe (tian-di) perfect? Obviously, it is not and that is why we suffer so much in life. We also have to fight constantly for our survival.
Now, this is where the Chinese see the value in life, which is to be able to ‘assist the transforming and nourishing powers of Heaven and Earth.’ Our life becomes meaningful only because the world is imperfect.
What are the six lines of the hexagram in the Yijing?
As Zhuanzi said, ‘Yijing is to show the action of the Yin and Yang.’
The Chinese always view the Yin and Yang seriously. Laozi said: ‘The myriad things contain Yin and Yang as vital forces, which achieve harmony through their interactions.’
In Yijing, the solid line of the hexagram represents yang and the broken line Yin. Tian is at the top, Di at the bottom and Ren in the middle and each occupies two positions. When any or all of the six lines move and interact, the world and people must act and interact accordingly, and that is the Way of Tian, Di and Ren.
The Confucian scholar Dong Zhongshu who was responsible for establishing Confucianism as the theoretical foundation of the imperial state during the Han dynasty (206 BC - 221 AD) summarised: ‘Heaven gives birth to things and instils people with moral inclinations; Earth nourishes things and provides for their material needs; and Humanity completes or perfects all things by maintaining proper patterning (i.e., through rites and music).’

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