Tuesday, December 22, 2009

身份与平等 Status and Equality

It has often been said that the Chinese culture is a ‘status culture’ and the Western culture is an ‘equality culture’.
The Chinese society is a society which is based on hierarchical conditions. The background is the Confucian family thinking, that's why in China hierarchical structures are usually regarded as natural, as naturally given. As child you are namely born into a natural hierarchy. Parents have the saying, and they keep it towards their children, even though these grow up.
The term 'authority' has in this respect a different rank. It is not associated with something negative but with positive qualities, such as care, kindness, responsibility, maturity. Elders / parents are respected and the principle of seniority controls the life and working sphere of China (and generally in Eastern Asia). And since state and society are seen like a family, it is always and everywhere the respective status that matters (visiting-cards inform about it and let you accordingly adapt your behaviour).
Chinese leaders are normally credited with the ability to determine what is in the best interests of society and its members. Indeed, much of their authority to rule is based on their claim to superior ethical insight and political wisdom, their knowledge of the best way to govern. Even in a family, parents and children are equal. The Chinese will never understand this mentality of equal rights of family members.
In the West, arguably the most well known quotation is ‘All men are created equal’. Equality as a political principle implies that there is no class of citizens with a right to more favourable treatment under the law, which itself is seen as the enforcement arm of governance. In other words, it means that regardless of faith, creed and status all laws should apply equally to everyone and no-one was above the law.
But the Westerners hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

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