Tuesday, January 20, 2009

现代科学:数学世界 Modern Science: The Mathematical World

现代科学在伽利略(1564 – 1642)把数学应用于动力后就开始了。伽利略宣布哥白尼系统不只是数学模式,和地球其实是环绕太阳运行。这种‘新哲学’来自哲学家的象牙塔之外,开始对人们的日常生活产生影响。
One thing that happened during the Renaissance that was of great importance for the later character of modern philosophy was the birth of modern science. Until the 1840's what we now call science was ‘natural philosophy’.
Of central importance to the theories and ideals of modern science is the idea that nature is a mathematic manifold.
The modern science thus began when Galileo (1564 – 1642) applied mathematics to motion. Galileo announced that the Copernican system was more than merely a mathematical model, and that the earth really moved around the sun. This 'new philosophy' had emerged from the ivory towers of philosophers, and started to make an impact on people's everyday lives.
There is no mathematics in Aristotle's Physics. There is nothing but mathematics in modern physics books. It was Galileo who made the change. It is inconceivable now that science could be done any other way.
With ever-increasing accuracy in measurement, science quickly erected an ideal world of geometric shapes parallel to the world of experience. What was in truth a method guided by a conceived goal soon came to be taken for reality, and nature was thought to be essentially mathematical.
Mathematics has brought us into ‘a brave new world’, a world without emotion, in which everything can be explained by science.

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