Monday, December 1, 2008

王维:空山不见人 Wang Wei: Empty Mountain, No Man is Seen

Wang Wei (699-761) is a famous poet in the most prosperous age of Tang Dynasty whose poems mainly describe the free, simple, placid, and natural idyllic life, which contain profound aesthetic thoughts. Wang Wei believes in Buddhism and Chan philosophy in particular. His aesthetic thoughts have been influenced by Buddhism, especially by the South Chan philosophy.
His poetry, regarding the simple idyllic scenery and the quiet mountains and rivers as aesthetic objects, exhibits his pursuit of a simple, detached, free and natural life as well as an ideal harmony between the outside world and himself.
Let’s look at his master piece ‘Deer Park’:
Empty mountain, no man is seen,
Only heard are men's voices echoing;
The sunlight re-enters the deep wood,
Shining again on the green moss.
The scene of trees growing amidst hills with the sunlight shining on the moss is supposed to reify the notion of natural gracefulness. As to why this is so, readers are expected to decode the authorial intention lurking behind the scene by themselves.
This poem is built upon a number of imagery juxtapositions: the empty mountain and the echoing voices, the re-entering sunlight and the deep wood, the moss-shining sunlight and the green moss, and the voices and the moss. These imagery juxtapositions may interact to evoke unceasingly ‘image beyond image’ and ‘scene beyond scene.’
You can imagine Wang Wei sitting in day-long meditation in Deer Park observing the interplay between emptiness and form (the mountain), ignorance (shadows) and wisdom (light), sky and mountain, lights, the lowest mosses glowing, human presence and absence.

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