Thursday, September 4, 2008

谈风流 Feng Liu: Romantic, the Chinese Way

In Chinese, when one mentions the term Feng Liu, it come almost immediately to mind a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them.
But, what actually is the meaning of Feng Liu? It is one of those terms that conveys a wealth of ideas, but is very difficult to define exactly.
In China, Feng Liu is originally mainly connected to Daoism. The idea is said to have started during the Wei Jin dynasties by the Neo-Daoists who were famous for the art of Qing Tan (清谈), or plain conversation. Such conversation could be held only between people of a comparable or high intellectual level, and was therefore regarded as one of the most refined intellectual activities.
Many of these plain conversations were compiled in a book entitled Shi Shuo Xin Yu, A New Account of Tales of the World. The language of the book is concise and implicit, profound and mysterious, meaningful and thought-provoking and it has become a major source of Feng Liu tradition.
Today, like romanticism in the West, the term Feng Liu often has in it the element of sex. However, originally the term was used more aesthetically rather than sensuously.
As illustration, it is recorded in the Shi Shuo Xin Yu that Ruan Ji's neighbour, who was a wine merchant, had a beautiful wife. Ruan Ji used to go the merchant's house to drink with his wife. Ruan Ji would sleep beside her when he became drunk. The merchant was naturally suspicious. But after paying careful attention, the merchant found that Ruan Ji did nothing more than sleeping beside there.
In the ancient time, such behavour of sleeping beside a beautiful lady, even it was done after became drunk, was really something very unconventioanl, or being happily Feng Liu.

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