Sunday, September 21, 2008

审美不预先假设目的 Aesthetic Judgments Do Not Presuppose an End or Purpose

注:Finality, 英文亦作 purposiveness 就是合目的性。说美要无目的而合目的性,是很难理解的。
There are two types of beauty: free beauty and dependent beauty. Free beauty presupposes no concept of what the object should be and dependent beauty presupposes a concept of what that object should be, and that concept makes it possible for us to determine whether that object is beautiful or not.
Aesthetic judgment is concerned with free beauty. We can tell whether a flower is beautiful or not just by looking at it, without a need to have further knowledge about it. We say that the flower is a free beauty of matter, as there is no other concept connected with the flower, such as its purpose, that could help to determine whether it is beautiful.
In other words, the manner in which the flower presents itself to us is final and this finality provides the basis for judgment of its beauty. That is to say, even botanists may have many things to say about the flower, their concepts have no bearing on our judgment whether the flower is beautiful.
On the other hand, when we say a building is beautiful because it meets perfectly the purpose for which it is built, we do not have a pure aesthetic judgment based solely on feeling. This is dependent beauty.
Accordingly, Kant said: ‘Beauty is the form of finality in an object, so far as perceived in it apart from the representation of an end (or purpose).’
Note: Finality is also translated as Purposiveness. However, it is difficult to understand how a thing can be purposive, yet without having a definite purpose.

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