Saturday, September 20, 2008

程颢:闲来无事不从容 Chenghao:He Simply Enjoys What He Himself Is

Chenghao (1032–1085) and his younger brother Chengyi were two of the most important neo-Confucian thinkers of Song dynasty China, and their writings in such fields as cosmology, philosophy, self-cultivation, ethics, ritual, and classical studies influenced the course of East Asian thought for centuries.
Chenghao had a strong desire to help others and bring comfort to the common people. As for himself, searching for happiness is one of his professed aims in life. He said: ‘When we studied under Zhou Dunyi, he always asked us to find out wherein lay the happiness of Kong (Confucius) and Yanzi and what they found enjoy.’ To him, the happiness of the sage is a natural outcome of his state of mind, for which he described as ‘impersonal, impartial, and responding to things spontaneously.’ He simply enjoys what he himself is.
This poem reflects how he enjoys what he himself is in the ‘Autumn Days’.
In these late years there is nothing that comes
That is not easy and simple;
Each morning through my window shines the sun,
As I awake.
All creatures run their course in the true content,
As I calmly observe.
The pleasure of each season through the year,
I enjoy with others.
Beyond Heaven and Earth and all that has shape,
The Dao is there.
The winds and clouds above me shift and change,
My thought is there.
By riches and high estate, I am not to be polluted;
Neither poverty nor low rank can affect my happiness.
A man like this is a hero indeed.

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