Tuesday, September 15, 2009

李白:静夜思 Li Bai: Night Thoughts

李白 (701 – 762) 提倡恢复传统作为复兴诗词的依据。他的诗清新而风格独特,世世代代为人们所传颂。

Li Bai (701 – 762) advocated the revival of tradition in poetry as the basis of reforming poetry. His poems are refreshing and unique in style. They've been read by generations of people.
Let’s read the following poem:

The white moonlight in front of my bed;
I wonder if that can be frost on the ground.
I look up to see the moon.
I lower my head to think of my hometown.
Poet, Li Bai left his home far away to a strange hotel during a full moon night; he lay on the bed, the moon light flooded down on the floor through the window, that rose his thinking about his own home town village, so he wrote this famous poem. It is very short, easy to be read and remembered. It is so easy to bring reader to fall into the same thought about him village.
This poem, entitled "Night Thoughts," uses very simple language to describe homesickness. It's exactly this kind of poem Li Po advocated. He was opposed to using elaborate language when writing poems, and was in favour of the views of another poet, Chen Zi Ang, who advocated the revival of tradition in poetry.
‘Night Thoughts’ pictures a man thinking of his home town and waking up at night. The language is simple yet the feeling of homesickness is profound. Li Po was able to come up with poems like this because he not only had a gift for poetry but also borrowed ideas from folk literature, especially a language used in folk songs.

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