Tuesday, September 8, 2009

子曰:乐节礼乐 Confucius Said: Find Enjoyment in Ceremonies and Music


The ultimate goal of Confucius was to achieve a harmonious society which was exemplified by the Zhou dynasty. It is therefore not surprising that Confucius saw himself as the preserver and restorer of the declining Zhou culture. All others things were to be considered as means to achieve this goal.
The rituals and arts that previously had been used to serve the spiritual things were seen as instrumental in serving mankind. Confucius incorporated the rites into secular relationships in order to make the ideal of social harmony.
The Zhou Ritual (li) was to be respected as it provided the foundation for a stable and culturally refined society. They defined various roles and provided normative guidelines for action. In turn, they also provide social framework necessary for self-mastery.
Arts were considered as instrumental as they were seen as an important component of ritual. Therefore, arts were needed in actualising two interrelated goals of a harmonious society: self-cultivation and social harmony.
Hence, the early Confucians viewed moral and good arts as intertwined, for practising them allowed one to cultivate the self and to ultimately become a good person. This process was essential for establishing and maintaining a harmonious society.
The Analects says, ‘In the application of the rituals, harmony is most valuable. In the ways of the former Kings, the achievement of harmony made them elegant. While harmony is a guiding standard in all things large and small, if you keep pursuing it just because you know it, and do not use the rituals to regulate it, it will not work.’
And Confucius’ advice is ‘to find enjoyment in the discriminating study of ceremonies and music’.

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