Tuesday, July 28, 2009

农夫与商人 Farmer and Merchant

Historically speaking, Chinese are farmers and Westerners are merchants. This is to say that since ancient time, the Chinese and Westerners not only live under different geographic conditions, but economic as well. Things might have changed nowadays, but the different historical backgrounds have greatly influenced their culture philosophical thinking till today.
As China is a continental country, it is natural that the Chinese people make their living mainly by agriculture. The Chinese philosophical thinking has made a distinction between what the philosophers called ‘The Root’ and ‘The Branch’. The Root refers to the agriculture and the Branch to commerce. This is because agriculture is concerned with production, while commerce is mainly concerned with exchange. One must have production before one can exchange.
It is not surprising that throughout Chinese history, social and economic theories and policies have attempted to ‘emphasise the root and slight the branch’.
On their hand, the Greeks lived in a maritime country and maintained their prosperity mainly through commerce. In other words, they were primarily merchants. While merchants deal with numbers, they also live together in towns. Hence they have a form of social organisation not based on the common interest of the family but so much on that of a town. They also have great opportunity to see different people with different customs and different languages. Therefore, they are accustomed to change and are not afraid of novelty.
A maritime economy therefore helps to prevent parochialism. In contrast, the farming community in China gave the people a more insular view of the world. In addition the trade produced a merchant class that could afford to educate their children, creating the need for a teaching profession.
It is said that farmers tend to be simple and straightforward, hence their thinking often relies on what they could see, and Chinese philosophy is therefore ‘suggestive but not articulate’ with no room for such abstract reasoning such as whether a table one sees is real or just an idea in one's mind. On the contrary, merchants rely on abstract numbers in their commercial accounts, hence their abstract reasoning and extensive use of deduction.

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