Tuesday, March 24, 2009

智与知 Wisdom and Truth

One common portrait of the difference between the Chinese and western traditions posits a radical incommensurability on the very nature of philosophical inquiry.
Chinese philosophy is ‘wisdom’ literature, which means it composes primarily of stories and sayings designed to move the audience to adopt a way of life or to confirm its adoption of that way of life.
Western philosophy is about truth, which emphasises systematic argumentation and theory. It is said to have begun with the Greek philosophers, who claimed that human reason produced truths which were eternal universals because they described reality.
It is interesting to note that the word philosophy is originally a Greek word which means ‘love of wisdom’. There are good reasons for moving from love of wisdom to love of truth. The ancient Greeks lived in a world dominated by religious mythology which offered shifting stories of gods with ambivalent powers, good mixed with bad, light with dark. At some point, the ambivalence advanced into an ambiguity which the Greeks attempted to dispel by turning to the clarity in the name of truth.
It is said that China, on the other hand, never had a developed or systematic mythological heritage. Therefore, it had no need of a philosophical drive for truth as compensation. Its grand tradition was concerned with wisdom, which is the judicious and purposeful application of knowledge that is valued in society. In this sense, China experienced no felt need for truth, which tries to control all situations, but rather moved towards the development of a collective wisdom about how situations might be handled.

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