Saturday, February 7, 2009

中国书法何以能成为艺术?What Makes Chinese Calligraphy Possible?

We noted that Chinese calligraphy is the secondary form, or using Wang Guowei’s term, a fine art of classical elegance, of Chinese words and characters.
As the primary form of Chinese calligraphy, the Chinese character is a graphic composition, the elements of which are structurally and harmoniously integrated with all component parts. It is also malleable as it can be written in many forms.
Those who study the origin of Chinese music and dance would have heard of this quote from the Preface to Poetry that describes the relationship between song or poem and dance:
‘Song is where the mind is going to. In the heart, it is called "mind", spoken out, it is called "song". The motion is moved in the heart and takes shape in words; if words are not sufficient, sighing can be better; if sighing is not sufficient, songs can be better; if songs are still not sufficient, motions can be expressed with hands, by dancing, with feet, by springing.’
The same can be said about the relationship between Chinese characters and calligraphy. The Chinese words are supposed to express thinking and feeling. The plain writing is insufficient to achieve the objective of expressing the feeling fully. Therefore, skillful use of the unique Chinese brush and ink would be able to convert Chinese characters into life-units consisting of bone and muscles, fresh and blood, which would allow calligraphers to display their aesthetic imagination and artistic ability freely.
A highly skilled calligraphy master, in achieving deep artistic vision, may even be able to bring about great sense of worldview to the viewers of his calligraphic works.
It is clear that the Chinese brush and ink play a major part in making it a form of fine art.

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