Wednesday, April 13, 2011

无为:道家的审美秩序之路 Non-action: The Way to Daoist Aesthetic Order


The Western rational order refers to the idea that there is one overarching external principle, whether it be Reason or God, imposes the order on the world. In comparison, the Chinese sense of aesthetic order is not keen on this external principle or its twin of teleology. Rather, it is concerned with the idea of self-renewal of particulars, which is what ‘Hun Dun’ (Choas) means.
The aesthetic order is the order of the Dao, a concept that is based on the understanding that the only constant in the universe is change and that we must understand and attempt to harmonize ourselves with this change. This idea is suggested in Yijing which states that ‘the successive movement of the inactive Yin and active Yang operations constitutes what is called the Dao.’
The Daoists are concerned that the natural operations of the cosmos are perverted by the desires of human beings. Laozi says in Daode Jing that ‘the world is ruled by letting things takes their natural course. It cannot be ruled by going against nature or arrogance.’ This led to the formation of the doctrine of ‘non-action’ which describes the harmonization of one’s personal will with natural harmony and justice of Nature.
Likewise, it suggests that this mode of action yields ubiquitously positive results, as it allows everything to develop to its full, untrammelled potential:

Dao abides in non-action yet nothing is left undone. If kings and lords observed this, the ten thousand things would develop naturally. If they still desired to act they would return to the simplicity of formless substance. Without form there is no desire. Without desire there is tranquillity. And in this way all things would be at peace.

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