Tuesday, March 2, 2010

华人:宇宙天人合一而生 The Chinese Anthropocosmic Vision on Creativity

An anthropocosmic vision is a vision of human relationship to the environment. The term anthropocosmic is a combination of ‘anthropological’ and ‘cosmic.’ The Chinese tradition emphasis the supreme virtue of heaven and earth is creativity and their idea of ecology is a kind of anthropocosmic vision of the dynamic interaction of heaven, earth and human. In this view, there is no radical split between the transcendent divine principle and the world of human. Human being is understood to be embedded in nature not dominant over nature. Everything in nature is interdependent, interrelated, dynamic and transformational.
It is, on one hand, recognition that heaven, as the result of human conceptualisation, interpretation, and imagination, is inescapably anthropological. Yet, on the other hand, as the generative force that has created all modalities of being, heaven cannot be confined to an anthropocentric picture of the universe.
In the Chinese tradition, heaven is intimately related to the story of earth. The earth, as the habitat of all known creatures, is the proper home for them. A great manifestation of heaven’s creativity is the plenitude of the earth. The sky, earth, mountains, and rivers are vital energies displaying the stupendous power of heaven’s life-generating process. All modalities of being are interconnected in this ceaseless evolution.
Heaven is for all beings. It does not seem to have a particular design for the human. Strictly speaking, there is no indication that heaven has a particular purpose in mind.
The advent of human being does make a difference. The anthropocosmic idea addresses the interplay between heaven’s creativity as expressed in the cosmological process and human’s creativity as embodied in heaven’s life-generating transformation. Human beings are not merely creatures, but co-creators of the cosmic process. As co-creators, human beings work with heaven and earth in correlative relationship to create harmonious societies.
In the language of the Book of Changes, the cosmos is never a static structure but rather a dynamic process. In its constant unfolding, it always generates new realities by creatively transforming the existing order, laden with inconsistencies, into an ever-innovating congruent process.
By implication, self-cultivation, a form of spiritual exercise, emulates heaven’s creativity.

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