Tuesday, January 19, 2010

正义:法律面前,人人平等 Justice: Equality Before the Law

对洛克 (1632-1704)而言,通过自然权力,自然正义为公民正义设下了极限与方向。个人权力固然不可剥夺,可是它们却是为自然规律所限制。依洛克之见,没有个人財产,正义是不能想象的。没有个人财产,就没有正义。个人拥有是一种权利,洛克正义的要点是以自然规律为基础来保证这种权利。
Equality before the law was, of course, the great value of the Enlightenment. It is the principle under which each individual is subject to the same laws, with no individual or group having special legal privileges.
Although the concept of equality is vague and theoretical, it serves to remind people of their common humanity, despite various differences. And equality represents justice.
Western concepts of justice are derived from Greco-Roman philosophical traditions and the teachings of Christ. From Greco-Roman traditions comes the ancient maxim, ‘to live honestly, to hurt no one, to give everyone his due.’ In ancient Greece, justice was believed to be derived from the order of society - a good society fostered justice, and justice fostered a good society.
Two scholars have the most influence on the western societies in the thinking of politics and justice: Aristotle and John Locke.
According to Aristotle (384-322 BC), justice is voluntary - a man acts justly or unjustly whenever he performs his acts voluntarily. He explains that justice is the virtue through which each person enjoys his own possessions in accordance with rightful and just laws - not those that legalize theft and redistribute property from some individuals to others. Natural and universal justice should precede and form the basis for law. Such justice is superior to state-dictated justice that is special and limited to the needs of the government. Justice, in the tradition of Aristotle, means treating individuals in accordance with their deserts, treating equals equally, and treating unequals unequally.
For John Locke (1632-1704), natural justice sets the limits and provides the direction for civic justice via the concept of natural rights. Whereas individual rights are inalienable, they are nevertheless based upon, and limited by, the law of nature. According to Locke, justice is inconceivable without personal property - where there is no property, there is no justice. The essence of Lockean justice is the security of each person’s personal possessions as a right based on the law of nature.
The U.S. Constitution, a fundamental document defining the American concept of justice, is strongly influenced by John Locke. Some of the constitution’s major assumptions are: (1) An individual has a natural right to liberty and his own free pursuit of happiness; (2) Government is a contract among the governed; (3) Laws must depend on the consent of the governed; (4) Justice is most likely to be achieved when government is through the consent of the governed; (5) Representative government is necessary for justice; and (6) The individual must be protected against the potential power of government.

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