Tuesday, April 7, 2009

杜牧: 清明 Du Mu: Qingming

华人的清明节是一个到先人墓前怀念与祭拜的日子。由于还是春天,扫墓完毕后,全家人就可以趁这个机会到郊外去游玩。当天郊游的习俗可以追溯到千多年前的唐朝(618-907) 。
For the Chinese, Qinming, the Chinese All Souls Day, is a day to remember and honour one's ancestors at grave sites. Since it is still springtime, people also take the opportunity to enjoy themselves in the countryside after finished sweeping and weeding the ancestral graves with the entire family. This habit of taking an excursion on this day can be traced back to Tang (618-907) Dynasty, which is more than a thousand years ago.
Qingming is frequently mentioned in Chinese literature. Among these, the most famous one is probably Du Mu’s poem ‘Qingming’.
Du Mu (803—852) was a famous poet of the Tang dynasty and is best remembered for his lyrical and romantic quatrains. After passing the imperial examination and obtained Jinshi in 828, he only held a series of minor official posts. His frustration is reflected in his poetry. Like most scholar-officials, he was adept in the art of calligraphy and painting as well as essays and poetry.
In the poem, the poet was walking alone in the ceaseless spring drizzles in a strange place, feels all the more lonely, melancholy and dismayed. He is so troubled and disheartened that he is on the brink of breaking down. However, he won’t lie down under loneliness and distress. Stirring himself up, he hurries along to find a tavern for a drink so that he can mix with cheerful people and wine. So the carefree boy points to the apricot woods. The poem ends on a broad vision graced with freshness and delight.
Du Mu: Qingming
The ceaseless drizzles drips all the dismal day,
So broken-hearted fares the traveller on the way.
When asked where could be found a tavern bower,
A cowboy points to yonder village of the apricot flower.

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